Michael Löffler is currently on vacation and asked me to discuss the following, it's based on his latest draft. All errors are mine naturally ;-) The upcoming openSUSE 10.2 will basically have similar content like its predecessor but comes of course with latest and stable Open Source packages available at that time. We went through Bugzilla, the feature list and package wishlist and try to accomodate your wishes and suggestions. Note that the list below is neither complete - it's just some of the highlights - nor a commitment. Here an overview about areas we like to enhance, change or add things: System & Software Management - Performance enhancements with software management rug, libzypp - Support hardware with SW-RAID support in BIOS - Biometrical authentification - X.org 11R7.1 - Kernel 2.6.18 - install local rpm(s) with dependency checking and to register directory as YaST source, Bug 174369, 168358 - add a button to YaST/zen-installer to add interesting installation sources like freshmeat, sourceforge, packman etc. - SUSEfirewall2, description of the ports and and ability to open or close ports - Moving from software selections to patterns as grouping of packages Desktop & Productivity Software - Gnome 2.16, with new menue out of SUSE Linux Enterprise - KDE 3.5.4 , with polished menue - adding VoIP solution Ekiga (formely known Gnome Meeting), Bug 147517 - support for rt2500 wlan card, Bug 149141 - add Intels 3D open source driver - adding Broadcom WLAN support Commercial software - adding Wink, software for creating video tutorials and export them to flash, http://www.debugmode.com/wink/ (free software, available for Linux as well) - GoogleEarth, we try to get redistribution rights from Google Please give feedback and of course if there's something missing - tell us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schedule openSUSE 10.2 Here's the openSUSE 10.2 schedule as aligned with holidays, other deliverables etc. I'm always writing the dates of the planned public releases and what I associate with the milestones. I'll further refine the milestones a bit to define which changes are allowed until which time. We have staged freezes which means that the first packages will be feature frozen with Alpha5 - the last ones shortly after Beta1. Note, below are the public dates for the *release*, the package submission deadlines are a couple of days earlier and not added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Oct 05 openSUSE 10.2 Alpha5 release - installation, toolchain, component, crypto freeze * Milestone: Toolchain, installation workflow are feature frozen * Milestone: Packages containing cryptographic routines are frozen * Milestone: First round for software translation * Milestone: Component freeze: Major updates and addition of subsystems finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Oct 19 openSUSE 10.2 Alpha5+ release (internal) * Milestone: Documentation deadline, proofing starts * Milestone: Feature and version freeze for the base system * Milestone: Kernel and install works on most targeted machines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fri, Oct 20 * Milestone: First round of software translation finished. * Packagers start integration translations into packages for Beta1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Oct 26 openSUSE 10.2 Beta1 release (feature complete) * Milestone: Feature and version freeze for the complete distribution (exception: patchlevel update of leaf packages until Nov 4) * Milestone: First localized build * Milestone: Complete string freeze * Milestone: All features are coding and function complete. * Milestone: Kernel and install works on all targeted machines. * Milestone: Last round of software translation starts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fri, Nov 4 - 1pm CET * Milestone: Final round of software translation finished. * Packagers start integration translations into packages for Beta2 * Milestone: Patchlevel update of leaf packages finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Nov 9 openSUSE 10.2 Beta2 release * Milestone: Fully localized build * Milestone: Localization testing starts * Milestone: Only major/critical/blocker bugfixes allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fri, Nov 17 - 1pm CET * Milestone: Fixes found during localization testing returned. * Packagers start integration translations into packages for RC1 * Milestone: Only blocker bugfixes allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Nov 23 openSUSE 10.2 RC1 release * Milestone: All blocker bugs resolved. * Milestone: All documentation available (English only). * Milestone: Last fixes for localization found during testing incorporated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Nov 30 openSUSE 10.2 GM release * Only showstopper and security bugfixes get integrated. * Milestone: All documentation available (translations also). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu, Dec 7 openSUSE 10.2 public release * Release on the ftp server Michael & Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj/ SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126