"Larry Stotler" <larrystotler@gmail.com> writes:
Here's a list of some of the frustration I experienced trying to install RC1:
Unselecting the yast-fingerprint reader deselected almost all of YaST!(qt, networking, etc) WTF???? Sorry, but that's ridiculous. I am constantly frustrated by all of these hardware dependencies that I DON'T have and should have to install:
You broke the YaST pattern.
Bluetooth iPod Fingerprint? Like my 1999 Thinkpad 390X has that. irda - I have NEVER used this and it's bad to even install it. I've seen people's laptops get wiped from windows because they didn't know that their infrared was active. When i deselect this, it says it can't install laptop utils. WHY??? Why is this a dependency? Why is ANY hardware a dependency.
The default is not your 390X but the patterns should be made in a way that you can deselect anything easily. Please do read about patterns in the wiki and file detailed bugreports,
Some of us don't have stuff like ISDN, Firewire, USB - yes, my Wallstreet powerbook doesn't even have USB so WHY should I have to install utilities to support USB? Granted, if I did get a cardbus USB card I would need it so I can kinda understand USB, but the rest? I've never even owned a firewire device. or an ISDN modem.
The default install has TV apps? How about a popup that says - if you want to install your specific hardware, click here and select what you have.
We do this already for the hardware drivers, so you only get the kernel-packages you need...
Sorry to rant, but I've complained about this since 10.0 was in beta. While hard drives are a lot bigger now, it's irriating to have to waste all this space on stuff I don't have, don't use and/or don't need.
I could go on and on, but I'm done for now. I stick with openSUSE because I have used SuSE since v5.3, and no other distro has anything like YaST for configuration and I've always liked the selection that openSUSE offers. But while I not only run Linux on my Dual Core Celeron(overclocked 100%), I also run it on a 500Mhz P3 and a 266Mhz G3 among other older hardware. Having the same distro across platforms is such a great thing.
Sorry if I am asking too much. It's definately gotten better, but it still has a ways to go.
Please create separate bugreports with details, Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, Director Platform / openSUSE, aj@suse.de SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126