Op 05-12-2020 om 14:50 schreef Juan Erbes:
Here You has a Workaround for Kernel 5.9:

Yes, but that solution incorporates applying the patch, and compiling the kernel myself, which is beyond my knowledge. And it fails in following versions, I read:


Patch works, but with latest linux git pull (commit 071a0578b0ce0b0e543d1e38ee6926b9cc21c198), compile fails …

So, maybe a solution for some, but alas not for me.

Remember, the Nvidia driver IS NOT OPEN SOURCE.

Yes, I know for some years already...

But anyhow, thanks for your reply.

By the way, your post arrives twofold here.

regards, Jogchum


El sáb, 5 dic 2020 a las 9:14, Jogchum Reitsma (<j.reitsma@hccnet.nl>) escribió:

I was wondering, is a build of the nvida-uvm module for kernel >= 5.9 on
the horizon? For some projects I really need CUDA support, and for that
this module is needed, I understand.

regards, Jogchum
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