Hmm what about putting a dependency on openSUSE-repos which enables by default openh264 repo? But that would not ensure installation of the package I guess telegram could then suggests the installation of openh264 It sound a bit fragile to be honest. Any other ideas?Best regardsLuboš KocmanopenSUSE Leap Release Managerčt 1. 8. 2024 v 15:55 odesílatel Xu Zhao <> napsal:Hello all,I am the maintainer of telegram-desktop package in OSS and I am seeking advice about how to update the package as its recent change is blocked by openSUSE's openh264 license issue.2 weeks ago, tg_owt made a commit to use system-level openh264 instead of bundled version (, this will break the build of telegram-desktop on b.o.o obs because on opensuse openh264 is distributed separately at can think of the following options:1. patch tg_owt to make openh264 an optional dependency instead of hard dependency, but this will probably be rejected by upsteam and we have to maintain our own patchset.2. bundle openh264 library with tg_owt and maintain the previous behavior, but I am not sure if this will violate the rules of OBS3. delete telegram-desktop package on b.o.o ( and ask users to use the flatpak version4. if there is a plan to push openh264 into OSS factory, we can keep telegram-desktop and wait until openh264 is available in OSS factory repo.Please advice on which option we should take, or if you have other opinions. Your advice is much appreciated.Best,Xu Zhao--Xu Zhao