I am
going to see what is different - will do later today. Might
need a bugzilla report.
On 9/19/23 15:42, Larry Len Rainey wrote:
I got it working with Felix's suggestion - it is currently updating a 3 year old Tumbleweed that had 5.19.1 kernel and all my stuff in /home and /root.
TWSLOW:~ # zypper lr -d
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service
1 | base-non-oss | base-non-oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | No | 99 | rpm-md | http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/openSUSE:/ALP:/Experimental:/Slowroll/base/repo/non-oss/ |
2 | base-oss | base-oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | No | 99 | rpm-md | http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/openSUSE:/ALP:/Experimental:/Slowroll/base/repo/oss/ |
3 | base-src-oss | base-src-oss | No | ---- | ---- | 99 | NONE | http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/openSUSE:/ALP:/Experimental:/Slowroll/base/repo/src-oss/ |
4 | h264 | h264 | Yes | (r ) Yes | No | 99 | rpm-md | http://codecs.opensuse.org/openh264/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ |
5 | packman | packman | Yes | (r ) Yes | No | 70 | rpm-md | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Slowroll/Essentials/ |
6 | update | update | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes | 80 | rpm-md | http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/openSUSE:/ALP:/Experimental:/Slowroll/standard/ |
TWSLOW:~ # zypper ref
Repository 'base-non-oss' is up to date.
Repository 'base-oss' is up to date.
Repository 'h264' is up to date.
Repository 'packman' is up to date.
Repository 'update' is up to date.
All repositories have been refreshed.
Hi Larry, That's good to hear, however, I think it would still be a good idea to figure out what the problem is with using the normal cdn.o.o and download.o.o servers. -- Regards, Joe