On 7/27/23 12:15, Dirk Müller wrote:
Hi Luciano,

Am Do., 27. Juli 2023 um 10:55 Uhr schrieb Dirk Müller <dirk@dmllr.de>:

ok, so the pattern is basically large packages are getting timeotus
because they are not fetched yet and the fetch from origin takes too
much time.
I might have found a solution for this problem, testing feedback
appreciated. (had to purge the CDN, so its all empty now again

FWIW, I just tried 

wget http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/x86_64/skelcd-installer-openSUSE-17.89-1.60.x86_64.rpm                   

	skelcd-installer-openSUSE-17.8 100%[=================================================>] 543.54M  13.0MB/s    in 42s  

wget http://cdn.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/x86_64/skelcd-installer-openSUSE-17.89-1.60.x86_64.rpm    

	skelcd-installer-openSUSE-17.8 100%[=================================================>] 543.54M  6.89MB/s    in 1m 51s
Earlier when I tested I got very similar results.

The download.opensuse.org seems really slow though compared to what I do zypper dup.

Even when the download is 2 GB for the dup, it is usually done in like 15-20 min.

