On Wed, 14 Sep 2022 03:26:29 +0200 (CEST)
"Carlos E. R." <
robin.listas@telefonica.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday, 2022-09-13 at 17:22 -0600, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
> > On 2022-09-13 16:26, Christian Boltz wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Am Montag, 12. September 2022, 20:09:38 CEST schrieb Darryl
> >> Gregorash:
> >>> On 2022-09-12 11:41, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
> >>>> On 12.09.2022 19:31, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
> >>>>> Is this stupid thing still an issue? WTH, openSUSE guys, can't
> >>>>> you take about a minute and 13 seconds to correct this?
> >>>>
> >>>> Why do not you step in and fix it if it is so simple?
> >>>
> >>> I'm pretty sure I don't have the necessary privileges to do that.
> >>> Next?
> >>
> >> Well, _yet_ ;-)
> >>
> >>
> >> Or if it's really that easy, just tell us what we need to
> >> configure on the server, and we'll do it. With your instructions,
> >> I'm sure it will even take us less than a minute.
> >
> > On the download page,
> >
> > For all platforms, the links to the ISO image files point to
> > *Build243.2-Media.iso while the links to all the checksum files are
> > for files without the "Build243.2" in them.
> You have to be more specific. What exact URL?
> I try:
> - -->
I'm with Darryl on this one. *YOU* have to be more specific. You need
to explain how you got that fastmirror link. If I simply do the obvious
following Darryl's instructions, I don't see anything like it.
Go to
If I hover over the aarch64 offline button I see a link to
If I select the down arrow, and choose Checksum, I see a link to
So far so good. But if I actually click on the first link, what it
actually downloads has a Build243.2 in its name, whilst what the second
link downloads doesn't. Big problem.
I see that it uses some intermediate host at
https://opensuse.ip-connect.info/distribution/leap/15.4/iso/ and can
clearly see the problem in the lists there of what actually gets
The problem is in the translation between the links that
https://get.opensuse.org/leap/15.4/#download shows and what it actually
downloads if you click on them.
> I download the checksum files with wget, and check them:
> cer@Telcontar:/data/storage_b/Isos/Leap/15.4/greg> ls -l
> total 12
> drwxr-xr-x 2 cer users 139 Sep 14 03:21 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 5 cer users 4096 Sep 14 03:20 ../
> - -rw-r--r-- 1 cer users 118 May 30 19:09
> openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-aarch64-Build243.2-Media.iso.sha256
> - -rw-r--r-- 1 cer users 106 May 30 19:09
> openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-aarch64-Media.iso.sha256
> cer@Telcontar:/data/storage_b/Isos/Leap/15.4/greg> cat *
> d87f79b2b723f9baaeedd9e2be0365c04081e51a4f7f7f08c7ab3eee0c3e0fae
> openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-aarch64-Build243.2-Media.iso
> d87f79b2b723f9baaeedd9e2be0365c04081e51a4f7f7f08c7ab3eee0c3e0fae
> openSUSE-Leap-15.4-DVD-aarch64-Media.iso
> cer@Telcontar:/data/storage_b/Isos/Leap/15.4/greg>
> As you can see, the checksum files are correct.
> You have to give exact and detailed instructions to reproduce the
> issue.
> - --
> Cheers,
> Carlos E. R.
> (from openSUSE 15.3 x86_64 at Telcontar)