On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 2:40 PM Ulf <ub22@gmx.net> wrote:
Thanks Simon for answer.
Am Dienstag, 11. April 2023, 01:39:23 CEST schrieb Simon Lees:
Its pretty simple on the SUSE side providing enterprise support for a entire desktop stack costs alot of money and resources and there simply isn't enough customers willing to pay for it for it to make financial sense for SUSE to contribute more then they already do.
Is this a generic topic for all desktops or only KDE?
At one point, SUSE had the largest staff working on GNOME as a result of Novell smashing SUSE and Ximian together. That has bled out over the past decade for various reasons, and SUSE currently has a couple of folks working on GNOME. The reason I was given in the past for the lack of investment is the lack of customers for SLE Desktop and SLE Workstation. That could, of course, change in the future. I hope it does, as we need more commercial success for desktop Linux. Today, openSUSE KDE is mostly maintained on a volunteer basis by Fabian Vogt (mostly Tumbleweed) and occasionally by Antonio Larossa (mostly for SLE/Leap).
On the openSUSE side, currently openSUSE doesn't employ anyone to do anything so contributions all come from volunteers so without anyone volunteering to take care of it nothing will happen.
Is there a possibility to start a founding to push KDE development by paying a developer?
There is already plenty going on upstream for KDE development. What we need is more people able and willing to work in openSUSE KDE to pull in their work and strengthen openSUSE's presence in the KDE community. It doesn't take much to make openSUSE KDE better, but it needs love to be better. -- 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!