22 Dec
22 Dec
Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 39 packages: * SDL2 * audacity * capnet-assist * chromaprint * crmsh * cura-engine * deepin-file-manager * deepin-system-monitor * dracut * govc * govulncheck-vulndb * gpg2 * gpgme * icingaweb2-module-director * juliaup * libcli * libkrun * mariadb * mozilla-nss * nextcloud * nfswatch * nim * oras * pantheon-dock * pantheon-settings-daemon * postfish * python-Mako * python-WebOb * python-django-extensions * python-fastapi * python-tqdm * runc * sendmail * switchboard-plug-sharing * tesseract-ocr-traineddata * tpm2-0-tss * xar * xdg-dbus-proxy * yt-dlp