Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version... Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on bugzilla.opensuse.org. For more information on filing bugs please see https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports Packages changed: AppStream aaa_base (84.87+git20190418.d83e9d6 -> 84.87+git20190718.ce933cb) adwaita-qt (1.0 -> 1.1.0) autoyast2 (4.2.0 -> 4.2.5) binutils bluedevil5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) bluez breeze (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) breeze-gtk (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) breeze4-style (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) bzip2 (1.0.7 -> 1.0.8) ceph ( -> claws-mail (3.17.3 -> 3.17.4) cyrus-imapd dcraw discover (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) dnsmasq drkonqi5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) e2fsprogs engrampa (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0) epiphany (3.32.3 -> 3.32.4) ethtool (5.1 -> 5.2) exo (0.12.6 -> 0.12.7) fwupd (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10) glib2 (2.60.5 -> 2.60.6) gnome-shell (3.32.2 -> 3.32.2+11) gstreamer-plugins-base haveged iputils kactivitymanagerd (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kcm_sddm (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kde-cli-tools5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kde-gtk-config5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kde-user-manager (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kdeconnect-kde (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5) kernel-source (5.2.3 -> 5.2.5) kgamma5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) khotkeys5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kinfocenter5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kmenuedit5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kmozillahelper (5.0.4 -> 5.0.5) krb5 krita (4.2.3 -> 4.2.4) kscreen5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kscreenlocker (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) ksshaskpass5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) ksysguard5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kwayland-integration (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) kwin5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) libdazzle (3.32.2 -> 3.32.3) libgarcon (0.6.2 -> 0.6.4) libgit2 (0.28.1 -> 0.28.2) libkdecoration2 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) libkscreen2 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) libksysguard5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) libnss_nis (3.0 -> 3.1) libstorage-ng (4.1.127 -> 4.1.143) libvirt (5.4.0 -> 5.5.0) linux-glibc-devel (5.1 -> 5.2) mate-calc (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0) milou5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) mtpaint mutter (3.32.2 -> 3.32.2+43) net-snmp nmap openldap2 (2.4.47 -> 2.4.48) osc (0.165.3 -> 0.165.4) osinfo-db (20190504 -> 20190611) oxygen5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) parole (1.0.2 -> 1.0.3) parted patterns-base (20190206 -> 20190612) perl-Bootloader (0.923 -> 0.925) pesign pinentry plasma-browser-integration (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plasma-nm5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plasma5-addons (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plasma5-desktop (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plasma5-integration (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plasma5-openSUSE plasma5-pa (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plasma5-workspace (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) plymouth (0.9.4+git20190325+b9f2aac -> 0.9.4+git20190612+9359382) polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) powerdevil5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) python-libvirt-python (5.4.0 -> 5.5.0) python-pexpect rubygem-asciidoctor (2.0.9 -> 2.0.10) rubygem-parallel_tests (2.29.0 -> 2.29.1) rubygem-yast-rake (0.2.32 -> 0.2.34) salt sendmail shadow signon subversion (1.12.0 -> 1.12.2) supermin systemsettings5 (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) sysuser-tools (2.0 -> 3.0) taglib (1.11.2~git20190601 -> 1.11.2~git20190531.ba7adc2b) thunar-volman (0.9.1 -> 0.9.4) unbound units (2.18 -> 2.19) virt-manager vlc wireshark wpa_supplicant xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) xf86-input-evdev xf86-input-libinput xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-input-wacom xf86-video-mga xorg-x11-server yast2 (4.2.3 -> 4.2.17) yast2-add-on (4.1.12 -> 4.2.4) yast2-alternatives (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-apparmor (4.1.7 -> 4.2.1) yast2-auth-client (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1) yast2-auth-server (4.1.0 -> 4.2.2) yast2-bootloader (4.2.1 -> 4.2.9) yast2-configuration-management (4.1.6 -> 4.2.1) yast2-control-center (4.1.8 -> 4.2.1) yast2-country (4.1.12 -> 4.2.2) yast2-dhcp-server (4.1.5 -> 4.2.1) yast2-dns-server (4.1.2 -> 4.2.1) yast2-drbd (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-firewall (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-firstboot (4.1.7 -> 4.2.1) yast2-ftp-server (4.1.6 -> 4.2.1) yast2-http-server (4.1.4 -> 4.2.0) yast2-installation (4.2.4 -> 4.2.8) yast2-instserver (4.1.5 -> 4.2.2) yast2-iscsi-client (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-isns (4.1.4 -> 4.2.0) yast2-journal (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-kdump (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-mail (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-multipath (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) yast2-network (4.2.2 -> 4.2.11) yast2-nfs-client (4.1.5 -> 4.2.0) yast2-nfs-server (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) yast2-nis-client (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) yast2-nis-server (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) yast2-ntp-client (4.1.8 -> 4.2.2) yast2-online-update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-online-update-configuration (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) yast2-packager (4.2.7 -> 4.2.23) yast2-pkg-bindings (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) yast2-printer (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) yast2-proxy (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-samba-client (4.2.1 -> 4.2.2) yast2-samba-server (4.1.3 -> 4.2.0) yast2-scanner (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) yast2-security (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) yast2-services-manager (4.1.15 -> 4.2.0) yast2-slp-server (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) yast2-snapper (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) yast2-sound (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1) yast2-squid (4.1.4 -> 4.2.1) yast2-storage-ng (4.2.16 -> 4.2.30) yast2-sudo (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) yast2-support (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1) yast2-sysconfig (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) yast2-tftp-server (4.1.7 -> 4.2.0) yast2-theme (4.2.2 -> 4.2.4) yast2-trans (84.87.20190511.bc4a9329cc -> 84.87.20190728.7ac20322a3) yast2-tune (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) yast2-update (4.2.2 -> 4.2.4) yast2-users (4.2.1 -> 4.2.4) yast2-vm (4.1.0 -> 4.2.3) yast2-vpn (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) zlib zstd (1.4.1 -> 1.4.2) === Details === ==== AppStream ==== Subpackages: AppStream-lang libAppStreamQt2 libappstream4 - Add patches to fix crash with some invalid metainfo (boo#1139463): * 0001-Fix-possible-NULL-dereference.patch * 0002-Don-t-ignore-xmlNodeDump-return-code.patch * 0003-Fix-infinite-recursion-if-component-has-itself-liste.patch - Update build requirements - Add %check section - Update summary and description ==== aaa_base ==== Version update (84.87+git20190418.d83e9d6 -> 84.87+git20190718.ce933cb) Subpackages: aaa_base-extras - Drop /bin/login requirement - Update to version 84.87+git20190718.ce933cb: * Make systemd detection cgroup oblivious (bsc#1140647) ==== adwaita-qt ==== Version update (1.0 -> 1.1.0) - Update to 1.1.0: * support for the new refreshed Adwaita theme - Update to 1.0.91: * removed alternating rows in views * removed frame in locked dock widget * fixed build against qt4 * fixed view items not appearing in qt4 apps * fixed scrollbar colors * fixed menu item accelerator color * fixed menu item separator color and height - Update to 1.0.90: * support for the new refreshed Adwaita theme ==== autoyast2 ==== Version update (4.2.0 -> 4.2.5) Subpackages: autoyast2-installation - Use modern tar syntax - Require fillup because it's executed in %post - Fixed an Internal Error when AutoYaST is importing users and groups configuration (bsc#1140339). - 4.2.5 - Fixed new desktop file name (bsc#1138144). - 4.2.4 - Always perform a storage re-probe after executing pre-scripts. - Related to bsc#1133045 - 4.2.3 - Add multi-device Btrfs related elements to the partitioning schema (part of jsc#SLE-3877). - 4.2.2 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.1 ==== binutils ==== Subpackages: binutils-devel - Use -ffat-lto-objects in order to provide assembly for static libs (boo#1141913). ==== bluedevil5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== bluez ==== Subpackages: libbluetooth3 - Fix 43xx firmware path for RPi3 bluetooth support (bsc#1140688) - Add RPi-Move-the-43xx-firmware-into-lib-firmware.patch - Add 0001-tools-Fix-build-after-y2038-changes-in-glibc.patch: Fix build after y2038 changes in glibc ==== breeze ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers libbreezecommon5-5 - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== breeze-gtk ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== breeze4-style ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: libbreezecommon4-5 - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== bzip2 ==== Version update (1.0.7 -> 1.0.8) Subpackages: libbz2-1 libbz2-1-32bit libbz2-devel - Update to version 1.0.8: * Accept as many selectors as the file format allows. This relaxes the fix for CVE-2019-12900 from 1.0.7 so that bzip2 allows decompression of bz2 files that use (too) many selectors again. * Fix handling of large (> 4GB) files on Windows. * Cleanup of bzdiff and bzgrep scripts so they don't use any bash extensions and handle multiple archives correctly. - remove (applied upstream) * bzip2-1.0.6-fix-bashisms.patch * bzip2-1.0.6-bzgrep_return_value.patch - use a new Source url ==== ceph ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: librados2 librbd1 - Update to 14.2.2-348-gf6da3d1d18: + rebase on top of upstream Nautilus v14.2.2 release, SHA1 4f8fa0a0024755aae7d95567c63f11d6862d55be + mgr/volumes: add CephFS subvolumes library (bsc#1135205) + mgr/dashboard: Warn that tcmu-runner backstore is tech-preview (bsc#1137261) + mgr/dashboard: Add, update and remove translations (bsc#1140737) + osd/PG: fix cleanup of pgmeta-like objects on PG deletion ==== claws-mail ==== Version update (3.17.3 -> 3.17.4) Subpackages: claws-mail-lang - Update to 3.17.4: * New HTML viewer plugin: Litehtml viewer * Added option 'Enable keyboard shortcuts' to the 'Keyboard shortcuts' frame on /Configuration/Preferences/Other/Miscellaneous * Compose: implemented copying of attached images to clipboard * Compose: images and text/uri-list (files) can now be attached by pasting into the Compose window * Python plugin: window sizes are now remembered for the Python console, the 'Open URLs' and the 'Set mailbox order' windows. * Fancy plugin: the download-link feature now follows redirections * MBOX export: the Enter key in the dialogue now starts the export * The date (ISO format) has been added to log timestamps * Update translations - bug 1920, 'No automatic NNTP filtering' - bug 2045, 'address book blocks focus on email window' - bug 2131, 'Focus stealing after mail check' - bug 2627, 'Filtering does not work on NNTP' - bug 3070, 'misbehaving text wrapping when URL chars are present' - bug 3838, 'Canceled right-click on message list leaves UI in inconsistent state' - bug 3977, 'Fix crashes when some external APIs fail' - bug 3979, 'Hang (with killing needed) during action which extracts attachments' - bug 4029, 'segfault after deleting message in a window' - bug 4031, 'fingerprint in SSL/TLS certificates for ... (regress error)' - bug 4037, 'Fix some small issues' - bug 4142, 'Translation error on Russian' - bug 4145, 'proxy server for sending doesn't work' - bug 4155, 'remember directory of last saving' - bug 4166, 'corrupted double-linked list' - bug 4167, 'Max line length exceeded when forwarding mail' - bug 4188, 'STL file is sent not as an attachment but as its base64 representation in plaintext' - CID 1442278, 'impossible to trigger buffer overflow' - Make key accelerators from menu work in addressbook window - save checkbox choices of display/summaries/defaults prefs - Do not throw an error when cancelling 'Save email as...'. - occasional crash on drag'n'drop of msgs - possible stack overflow in vcalendar's Curl data handler - crash when LDAP address source is defined in index, but - support is disabled - crash in Fancy plugin if one of the MIME parts has no - -ID - a few small memory leaks in scan_mailto_url() - configure script for rare cases where python is not installed - incorrect charset conversion in sc_html_read_line(). - markup in 'key not fully trusted' warning in pgpcore - use after free in rare code path in rssyl_subscribe() - several memory leaks - verify_folderlist_xml() for fresh starts - printf formats for size_t and goffset arguments. - alertpanel API use in win32 part of mimeview.c - pid handling in debug output of kill_children_cb() - incorrect pointer arithmetic in w32_filesel.c ==== cyrus-imapd ==== Subpackages: cyradm perl-Cyrus-IMAP perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html ==== dcraw ==== Subpackages: dcraw-lang - bsc#1142308: Drop dependency on libjasper Thus removing support for decoding RED camera movies ==== discover ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * notifier: don't accumulate notifications * notifier: Use QPointer instead of a raw pointer for notifications ==== dnsmasq ==== - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html ==== drkonqi5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * guard against plasmashell being properly dead and not showing the SNI ==== e2fsprogs ==== Subpackages: e2fsprogs-devel e2fsprogs-scrub libcom_err-devel libcom_err2 libcom_err2-32bit libext2fs-devel libext2fs2 - Fix build with gettext 0.20: * Add e2fsprogs-1.45.2-gettext.patch. * Exclude in-sources intl/ directory from build. - Fix install_info_delete usage: It must be called in preun. ==== engrampa ==== Version update (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0) Subpackages: engrampa-lang - Update to version 1.23.0: * tx: sync with transifex * Remove trailing whitespaces * Update FSF address * Remove hard-coded 'Back' label button * Avoid deprecated g_type_class_add_private * Use the Automake variable nobase_dist_icons_DATA * Help: replace link linkend with xref linkend * file-utils: avoid out of bound memory access * actions: avoid use of memory after it is freed * fr-process: Fix memory leak: 'g_shell_quote' needs to be freed * fr-process: Fix memory leak: 'g_strconcat' needs to be freed * [Security] fr-process: avoid 'strcpy' and 'strcat' * enable clang analyzer * fr-process: Fix memory leak * Help: Fix version to 1.22 and update pot file * help: update copyright * Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0 * Support .udeb package format * Clean-up archive list and descriptions * Show version on command line - remove patches: * engrampa-gtk-3.20.patch: we don't support systems with gtk-3.20 anymore - BuildRequire gtk3 >= 3.22 ==== epiphany ==== Version update (3.32.3 -> 3.32.4) Subpackages: epiphany-lang gnome-shell-search-provider-epiphany - Update to version 3.32.4: + Hide certain context menu entries from nondownloadable videos. + Fix crash when entering application manager. + Fix JS type error when loading forms without action attribute. + Fix miscellaneous programming errors. - Drop epiphany-web-app-utils_Fix-crash.patch: Fixed upstream. ==== ethtool ==== Version update (5.1 -> 5.2) - Update to new upstream release 5.2 * support 100BaseT1 and 1000BaseT1 link modes * fewer compilation warnings with updated UAPI header copy ==== exo ==== Version update (0.12.6 -> 0.12.7) Subpackages: exo-data exo-helpers exo-lang exo-tools libexo-1-0 libexo-2-0 - Update to version 0.12.7 * Translation updates ==== fwupd ==== Version update (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10) Subpackages: fwupd-lang libfwupd2 - Update to version 1.2.10: * Disable the flashrom plugin by default * dell-esrt: Improve the experience for the plugin (Closes: #1245) * fu-util: When unlocking prompt for reboot if applicable * remove those PIDs with Bluetooth interface, Wacom updater doesn't support updating from Bluetooth interface * flashrom: Only show DEBUG and DEBUG2 output if using - -plugin-verbose=flashrom * flashrom: Only call flashrom_programmer_init() on whitelisted boards * flashrom: Fix no version format set * fu-util: Show devices with an UpdateError in get-devices output * Add a specific error code for the low battery case * Fix Fedora docker build missing directory: dist * uefi: Determine whether running in legacy mode or not (Fixes: #1220) * Allow client code to construct objects from GVariant blobs * Export functionality to build an array of objects * flashrom: Use libflashrom * Add meson target to fix translations * Add support for 8bitdo USB Retro Receiver * Use the newer features of GRWLock rather than reinventing it * uefi: Try to find a duplicate using the loadopt name * uefi: Provide a quirk to disable the use of the UX capsule * synaptics-prometheus: Fix installing CONFIG firmware updates * synaptics-prometheus: Set the install duration from a quirk * synaptics-prometheus: Don't emit critial warning when updating config firmware * synaptics-prometheus: Fix missing field in the IOTA reply struct * Create SECURITY.md * redfish: Never set NULL device name * modem-manager: Never set NULL device name * ata: Never set NULL device name * synapticsmst: fix GUID generation (Closes: #1207) * Lite Mk II flag for use-shim-unique * fu-util-common: Support empty proxy strings (Fixes: #1199) - Add python3-setuptools to BuildRequires for generate-version-script.py ==== glib2 ==== Version update (2.60.5 -> 2.60.6) Subpackages: glib2-lang glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libgio-2_0-0-32bit libglib-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0-32bit libgmodule-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit libgobject-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0-32bit libgthread-2_0-0 libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - Update to version 2.60.6: + Fix various bugs with use of the `GKeyfileSettingsBackend` within flatpaks (glgo#GNOME/GLib!984, glgo#GNOME/GLib!985, glgo#GNOME/GLib#1825). + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib!993, glgo#GNOME/GLib!984, glgo#GNOME/GLib!985. - Drop glib2-keyfile-handle-filename-being-null.patch: Fixed upstream. ==== gnome-shell ==== Version update (3.32.2 -> 3.32.2+11) Subpackages: gnome-shell-calendar gnome-shell-lang - Update to version 3.32.2+11: + shell-global: don't warn when unsetting non-existent state + keyring-prompt: relax NULL check in remove_mnemonics() + modemManager: improve check for CDMA system identifier + windowAttentionHandler: disconnect signals before destruction + shell-recorder: Restore cursor recording + altTab: - Remove get_preferred_width override of AppIcon - Fix a wrong variable name - Ensure style of this._list before calculating icon sizes + boxpointer: Unset the sourceActor on destruction - Switch to git checkout via source service, upstream is lacking in stable releases. In the future we will use a stable tag when possible, but when upstream slacks off, we will use a checkout of the stable branch. ==== gstreamer-plugins-base ==== Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-base-lang libgstallocators-1_0-0 libgstapp-1_0-0 libgstaudio-1_0-0 libgstfft-1_0-0 libgstgl-1_0-0 libgstpbutils-1_0-0 libgstriff-1_0-0 libgstrtp-1_0-0 libgstrtsp-1_0-0 libgstsdp-1_0-0 libgsttag-1_0-0 libgstvideo-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-GstAudio-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstPbutils-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstTag-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstVideo-1_0 - Add gstreamer-plugins-base-arm-neon-configuration.patch as an upstream backport of: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-base/commit/d8d4904e - Use %make_build. ==== haveged ==== Subpackages: libhavege1 - get-poolsize.patch: Fix type mismatch in get_poolsize that breaks error checking (bsc#1111047) ==== iputils ==== Subpackages: rarpd - Set caps for clockdiff (boo#1140994), based on change in permissions package https://github.com/openSUSE/permissions/commit/5da6a81e38bb74f2090d73208b1a0... - With new permissions package both clockdiff and ping have capabilities cap_net_raw+p instead of cap_net_raw+ep (boo#1140993), also ping6 does not try to set permissions on links (boo#1140991) - Pass -DNO_SETCAP_OR_SUID=true (don't run setcap via distro script build-aux/setcap-setuid.sh, we set capabilities with rpm) ==== kactivitymanagerd ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kcm_sddm ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kde-cli-tools5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * kioclient: Don't convert `:x:y` to `?line=x&column=y` for URLs starting with remote schemes. (kde#408632) - Drop patches, now upstream: * kde408632.patch ==== kde-gtk-config5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk2 kde-gtk-config5-gtk3 kde-gtk-config5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kde-user-manager ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kde-user-manager-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kdeconnect-kde ==== Version update (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5) Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-lang - Update to 1.3.5 * Add detectPlatform to always use wayland in a wayland session * i18n: fix extraction of nautilus extension * Don't update new notifications * Install desktop file for kdeconnectd * [sftp] Fix error message wording * Change plugin name * [sftp] Give better error messages for common errors * [sftp] Improve error reporting * Use KAboutData to set information about the daemon * Disable session management * Print socket error when connection fails * [kio] Mount device during stat if necessary * [backends/lan] Don't fail silently when a UDP packet could not be unserialized * Fix crash in daemon * Fix crash in notifications plugin (kde#400010) * Don't show multiple windows when replying to a notification - Drop Leap 42.3 specific patches, it's no longer supported: * 0001-Fix-build-on-Leap-42.3.patch * 0001-Revert-Retry-the-network-packet-if-it-failed-to-unse.patch - Don't install SuSEfirewall2 file on Tumbleweed anymore, Sf2 has been dropped ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (5.2.3 -> 5.2.5) Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-default-devel kernel-devel kernel-docs kernel-macros kernel-syms kernel-vanilla - driver core: Fix use-after-free and double free on glue directory (bsc#1131281). - Bluetooth: hci_uart: check for missing tty operations (CVE-2019-10207 bsc#1142857 bsc#1123959). - commit 79b6a9c - Update config files: ARCH_HAS_DMA_MMAP_PGPROT is now selected - commit 0a5eef3 - Linux 5.2.5 (bnc#1012628). - io_uring: don't use iov_iter_advance() for fixed buffers (bnc#1012628). - io_uring: fix counter inc/dec mismatch in async_list (bnc#1012628). - io_uring: ensure ->list is initialized for poll commands (bnc#1012628). - io_uring: add a memory barrier before atomic_read (bnc#1012628). - access: avoid the RCU grace period for the temporary subjective credentials (bnc#1012628). - drm/i915: Make the semaphore saturation mask global (bnc#1012628). - structleak: disable STRUCTLEAK_BYREF in combination with KASAN_STACK (bnc#1012628). - libnvdimm/bus: Stop holding nvdimm_bus_list_mutex over __nd_ioctl() (bnc#1012628). - libnvdimm/region: Register badblocks before namespaces (bnc#1012628). - libnvdimm/bus: Prevent duplicate device_unregister() calls (bnc#1012628). - drivers/base: Introduce kill_device() (bnc#1012628). - iommu/iova: Fix compilation error with !CONFIG_IOMMU_IOVA (bnc#1012628). - iommu/iova: Remove stale cached32_node (bnc#1012628). - iommu/vt-d: Don't queue_iova() if there is no flush queue (bnc#1012628). - io_uring: fix the sequence comparison in io_sequence_defer (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/pmu: Set pmcregs_in_use in paca when running as LPAR (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/tm: Fix oops on sigreturn on systems without TM (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/mm: Limit rma_size to 1TB when running without HV mode (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/xive: Fix loop exit-condition in xive_find_target_in_mask() (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/dma: Fix invalid DMA mmap behavior (bnc#1012628). - ALSA: hda - Add a conexant codec entry to let mute led work (bnc#1012628). - ALSA: hda - Fix intermittent CORB/RIRB stall on Intel chips (bnc#1012628). - ALSA: pcm: Fix refcount_inc() on zero usage (bnc#1012628). - ALSA: line6: Fix wrong altsetting for LINE6_PODHD500_1 (bnc#1012628). - ALSA: ac97: Fix double free of ac97_codec_device (bnc#1012628). - drm/panel: Add support for Armadeus ST0700 Adapt (bnc#1012628). - hpet: Fix division by zero in hpet_time_div() (bnc#1012628). - eeprom: make older eeprom drivers select NVMEM_SYSFS (bnc#1012628). - mei: me: add mule creek canyon (EHL) device ids (bnc#1012628). - fpga-manager: altera-ps-spi: Fix build error (bnc#1012628). - binder: prevent transactions to context manager from its own process (bnc#1012628). - binder: Set end of SG buffer area properly (bnc#1012628). - x86/stacktrace: Prevent access_ok() warnings in arch_stack_walk_user() (bnc#1012628). - x86/speculation/mds: Apply more accurate check on hypervisor platform (bnc#1012628). - x86/sysfb_efi: Add quirks for some devices with swapped width and height (bnc#1012628). - selinux: check sidtab limit before adding a new entry (bnc#1012628). - btrfs: inode: Don't compress if NODATASUM or NODATACOW set (bnc#1012628). - media: videodev2.h: change V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGRA444 define: fourcc was already in use (bnc#1012628). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: XIVE: fix rollback when kvmppc_xive_create fails (bnc#1012628). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Save and restore guest visible PSSCR bits on pseries (bnc#1012628). - KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Always save guest pmu for guest capable of nesting (bnc#1012628). - KVM: X86: Fix fpu state crash in kvm guest (bnc#1012628). - usb: usb251xb: Reallow swap-dx-lanes to apply to the upstream port (bnc#1012628). - Revert "usb: usb251xb: Add US port lanes inversion property" (bnc#1012628). - Revert "usb: usb251xb: Add US lanes inversion dts-bindings" (bnc#1012628). - usb: pci-quirks: Correct AMD PLL quirk detection (bnc#1012628). - usb: wusbcore: fix unbalanced get/put cluster_id (bnc#1012628). - usb-storage: Add a limitation for blk_queue_max_hw_sectors() (bnc#1012628). - xhci: Fix crash if scatter gather is used with Immediate Data Transfer (IDT) (bnc#1012628). - locking/lockdep: Hide unused 'class' variable (bnc#1012628). - mm, swap: fix race between swapoff and some swap operations (bnc#1012628). - mm: use down_read_killable for locking mmap_sem in access_remote_vm (bnc#1012628). - locking/lockdep: Fix lock used or unused stats error (bnc#1012628). - proc: use down_read_killable mmap_sem for /proc/pid/maps (bnc#1012628). - cxgb4: reduce kernel stack usage in cudbg_collect_mem_region() (bnc#1012628). - proc: use down_read_killable mmap_sem for /proc/pid/map_files (bnc#1012628). - proc: use down_read_killable mmap_sem for /proc/pid/clear_refs (bnc#1012628). - proc: use down_read_killable mmap_sem for /proc/pid/pagemap (bnc#1012628). - proc: use down_read_killable mmap_sem for /proc/pid/smaps_rollup (bnc#1012628). - mm/mmu_notifier: use hlist_add_head_rcu() (bnc#1012628). - memcg, fsnotify: no oom-kill for remote memcg charging (bnc#1012628). - mm/gup.c: remove some BUG_ONs from get_gate_page() (bnc#1012628). - mm/gup.c: mark undo_dev_pagemap as __maybe_unused (bnc#1012628). - mm/mincore.c: fix race between swapoff and mincore (bnc#1012628). - 9p: pass the correct prototype to read_cache_page (bnc#1012628). - mm/kmemleak.c: fix check for softirq context (bnc#1012628). - sh: prevent warnings when using iounmap (bnc#1012628). - nvme: fix NULL deref for fabrics options (bnc#1012628). - block/bio-integrity: fix a memory leak bug (bnc#1012628). - platform/x86: Fix PCENGINES_APU2 Kconfig warning (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/eeh: Handle hugepages in ioremap space (bnc#1012628). - dlm: check if workqueues are NULL before flushing/destroying (bnc#1012628). - mailbox: handle failed named mailbox channel request (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: avoid out-of-range memory access (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: fix to avoid long latency during umount (bnc#1012628). - rds: Accept peer connection reject messages due to incompatible version (bnc#1012628). - block: init flush rq ref count to 1 (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/boot: add {get, put}_unaligned_be32 to xz_config.h (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/irq: Don't WARN continuously in arch_local_irq_restore() (bnc#1012628). - nvme-tcp: set the STABLE_WRITES flag when data digests are enabled (bnc#1012628). - io_uring: fix io_sq_thread_stop running in front of io_sq_thread (bnc#1012628). - nvme-tcp: don't use sendpage for SLAB pages (bnc#1012628). - nvme-pci: limit max_hw_sectors based on the DMA max mapping size (bnc#1012628). - nvme-pci: check for NULL return from pci_alloc_p2pmem() (bnc#1012628). - RDMA/core: Fix race when resolving IP address (bnc#1012628). - perf intel-bts: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference found by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - PCI: dwc: pci-dra7xx: Fix compilation when !CONFIG_GPIOLIB (bnc#1012628). - RDMA/rxe: Fill in wc byte_len with IB_WC_RECV_RDMA_WITH_IMM (bnc#1012628). - perf hists browser: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference found by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - perf annotate: Fix dereferencing freed memory found by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - perf map: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference found by smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - perf session: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference found by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - perf trace: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference found by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - perf top: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference detected by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - rseq/selftests: Fix Thumb mode build failure on arm32 (bnc#1012628). - perf stat: Fix use-after-freed pointer detected by the smatch tool (bnc#1012628). - perf test mmap-thread-lookup: Initialize variable to suppress memory sanitizer warning (bnc#1012628). - PCI: mobiveil: Use the 1st inbound window for MEM inbound transactions (bnc#1012628). - PCI: mobiveil: Initialize Primary/Secondary/Subordinate bus numbers (bnc#1012628). - kallsyms: exclude kasan local symbols on s390 (bnc#1012628). - PCI: mobiveil: Fix the Class Code field (bnc#1012628). - PCI: mobiveil: Fix PCI base address in MEM/IO outbound windows (bnc#1012628). - KVM: nVMX: Stash L1's CR3 in vmcs01.GUEST_CR3 on nested entry w/o EPT (bnc#1012628). - arm64: assembler: Switch ESB-instruction with a vanilla nop if !ARM64_HAS_RAS (bnc#1012628). - IB/ipoib: Add child to parent list only if device initialized (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/mm: Handle page table allocation failures (bnc#1012628). - IB/mlx5: Fixed reporting counters on 2nd port for Dual port RoCE (bnc#1012628). - serial: sh-sci: Fix TX DMA buffer flushing and workqueue races (bnc#1012628). - serial: sh-sci: Terminate TX DMA during buffer flushing (bnc#1012628). - RDMA/i40iw: Set queue pair state when being queried (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/mm: mark more tlb functions as __always_inline (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/4xx/uic: clear pending interrupt after irq type/pol change (bnc#1012628). - powerpc: silence a -Wcast-function-type warning in dawr_write_file_bool (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: fix is_idle() check for discard type (bnc#1012628). - um: Silence lockdep complaint about mmap_sem (bnc#1012628). - mm/swap: fix release_pages() when releasing devmap pages (bnc#1012628). - mfd: hi655x-pmic: Fix missing return value check for devm_regmap_init_mmio_clk (bnc#1012628). - mfd: arizona: Fix undefined behavior (bnc#1012628). - mfd: core: Set fwnode for created devices (bnc#1012628). - mfd: madera: Add missing of table registration (bnc#1012628). - mfd: cros_ec: Register cros_ec_lid_angle driver when presented (bnc#1012628). - recordmcount: Fix spurious mcount entries on powerpc (bnc#1012628). - fixdep: check return value of printf() and putchar() (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/rtas: retry when cpu offline races with suspend/migration (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/xmon: Fix disabling tracing while in xmon (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/cacheflush: fix variable set but not used (bnc#1012628). - dt-bindings: backlight: lm3630a: correct schema validation (bnc#1012628). - iio: iio-utils: Fix possible incorrect mask calculation (bnc#1012628). - PCI: xilinx-nwl: Fix Multi MSI data programming (bnc#1012628). - phy: meson-g12a-usb3-pcie: disable locking for cr_regmap (bnc#1012628). - genksyms: Teach parser about 128-bit built-in types (bnc#1012628). - kbuild: Add -Werror=unknown-warning-option to CLANG_FLAGS (bnc#1012628). - i2c: stm32f7: fix the get_irq error cases (bnc#1012628). - PCI: sysfs: Ignore lockdep for remove attribute (bnc#1012628). - phy: renesas: rcar-gen3-usb2: fix imbalance powered flag (bnc#1012628). - serial: mctrl_gpio: Check if GPIO property exisits before requesting it (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm: Depopulate platform on probe failure (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/pci/of: Fix OF flags parsing for 64bit BARs (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm/adreno: Ensure that the zap shader region is big enough (bnc#1012628). - kvm: vmx: segment limit check: use access length (bnc#1012628). - KVM: nVMX: Intercept VMWRITEs to GUEST_{CS,SS}_AR_BYTES (bnc#1012628). - mmc: sdhci: sdhci-pci-o2micro: Check if controller supports 8-bit width (bnc#1012628). - kvm: vmx: fix limit checking in get_vmx_mem_address() (bnc#1012628). - usb: dwc3: Fix core validation in probe, move after clocks are enabled (bnc#1012628). - usb: gadget: Zero ffs_io_data (bnc#1012628). - tty: serial_core: Set port active bit in uart_port_activate (bnc#1012628). - serial: uartps: Use the same dynamic major number for all ports (bnc#1012628). - serial: imx: fix locking in set_termios() (bnc#1012628). - iio: adxl372: fix iio_triggered_buffer_{pre,post}enable positions (bnc#1012628). - platform/x86: asus-wmi: Increase input buffer size of WMI methods (bnc#1012628). - drm/rockchip: Properly adjust to a true clock in adjusted_mode (bnc#1012628). - dma-remap: Avoid de-referencing NULL atomic_pool (bnc#1012628). - powerpc/pseries/mobility: prevent cpu hotplug during DT update (bnc#1012628). - drm/bridge: tfp410: fix use of cancel_delayed_work_sync (bnc#1012628). - sunhv: Fix device naming inconsistency between sunhv_console and sunhv_reg (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: fix compilation error (bnc#1012628). - phy: renesas: rcar-gen2: Fix memory leak at error paths (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: set link->dongle_max_pix_clk to 0 on a disconnect (bnc#1012628). - drm/virtio: Add memory barriers for capset cache (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Update link rate from DPCD 10 (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Always allocate initial connector state state (bnc#1012628). - PCI: endpoint: Allocate enough space for fixed size BAR (bnc#1012628). - serial: 8250: Fix TX interrupt handling condition (bnc#1012628). - tty: serial: msm_serial: avoid system lockup condition (bnc#1012628). - tty/serial: digicolor: Fix digicolor-usart already registered warning (bnc#1012628). - memstick: Fix error cleanup path of memstick_init (bnc#1012628). - drm/omap: don't check dispc timings for DSI (bnc#1012628). - mm/hmm: fix use after free with struct hmm in the mmu notifiers (bnc#1012628). - i2c: nvidia-gpu: resume ccgx i2c client (bnc#1012628). - drm/vkms: Forward timer right after drm_crtc_handle_vblank (bnc#1012628). - drm/crc-debugfs: Also sprinkle irqrestore over early exits (bnc#1012628). - drm/crc-debugfs: User irqsafe spinlock in drm_crtc_add_crc_entry (bnc#1012628). - gpu: host1x: Increase maximum DMA segment size (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: Lower threshold for disable_cp_again (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: Fix accounting for unusable blocks (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Increase Backlight Gain Step Size (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: CS_TFM_1D only applied post EOTF (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Reset planes for color management changes (bnc#1012628). - drm/bridge: sii902x: pixel clock unit is 10kHz instead of 1kHz (bnc#1012628). - drm/bridge: tc358767: read display_props in get_modes() (bnc#1012628). - staging: kpc2000: report error status to spi core (bnc#1012628). - PCI: Return error if cannot probe VF (bnc#1012628). - tools: PCI: Fix broken pcitest compilation (bnc#1012628). - drm/edid: Fix a missing-check bug in drm_load_edid_firmware() (bnc#1012628). - drm/amdkfd: Fix sdma queue map issue (bnc#1012628). - drm/amdkfd: Fix a potential memory leak (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Disable ABM before destroy ABM struct (bnc#1012628). - drm/amdgpu/sriov: Need to initialize the HDP_NONSURFACE_BAStE (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: fix to avoid deadloop if data_flush is on (bnc#1012628). - drm/amdgpu: Reserve shared fence for eviction fence (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Fill plane attrs only for valid pxl format (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Disable cursor when offscreen in negative direction (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm/a6xx: Avoid freeing gmu resources multiple times (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: fix multi display seamless boot case (bnc#1012628). - drm/amd/display: Fill prescale_params->scale for RGB565 (bnc#1012628). - ipmi_ssif: fix unexpected driver unregister warning (bnc#1012628). - drm/msm/a6xx: Check for ERR or NULL before iounmap (bnc#1012628). - f2fs: fix to check layout on last valid checkpoint park (bnc#1012628). - tty: serial: cpm_uart - fix init when SMC is relocated (bnc#1012628). - pinctrl: rockchip: fix leaked of_node references (bnc#1012628). - tty: max310x: Fix invalid baudrate divisors calculator (bnc#1012628). - usb: core: hub: Disable hub-initiated U1/U2 (bnc#1012628). - drm/bochs: Fix connector leak during driver unload (bnc#1012628). - staging: vt6656: use meaningful error code during buffer allocation (bnc#1012628). - ipmi_si: fix unexpected driver unregister warning (bnc#1012628). - staging: kpc2000: added missing clean-up to probe_core_uio (bnc#1012628). - drm/virtio: set seqno for dma-fence (bnc#1012628). - iio: adc: stm32-dfsdm: missing error case during probe (bnc#1012628). - iio: adc: stm32-dfsdm: manage the get_irq error case (bnc#1012628). - drm/panel: simple: Fix panel_simple_dsi_probe (bnc#1012628). - drm/lima: handle shared irq case for lima_pp_bcast_irq_handler (bnc#1012628). - btrfs: shut up bogus -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning (bnc#1012628). - media: drivers: media: coda: fix warning same module names (bnc#1012628). - regulator: 88pm800: fix warning same module names (bnc#1012628). - commit b607c27 - Linux 5.2.4 (bnc#1012628). - net: sched: verify that q!=NULL before setting q->flags (bnc#1012628). - block: Limit zone array allocation size (bnc#1012628). - sd_zbc: Fix report zones buffer allocation (bnc#1012628). - Revert "kvm: x86: Use task structs fpu field for user" (bnc#1012628). - KVM: nVMX: Clear pending KVM_REQ_GET_VMCS12_PAGES when leaving nested (bnc#1012628). - KVM: nVMX: do not use dangling shadow VMCS after guest reset (bnc#1012628). - ext4: allow directory holes (bnc#1012628). - ext4: use jbd2_inode dirty range scoping (bnc#1012628). - jbd2: introduce jbd2_inode dirty range scoping (bnc#1012628). - mm: add filemap_fdatawait_range_keep_errors() (bnc#1012628). - ext4: enforce the immutable flag on open files (bnc#1012628). - ext4: don't allow any modifications to an immutable file (bnc#1012628). - perf/core: Fix race between close() and fork() (bnc#1012628). - perf/core: Fix exclusive events' grouping (bnc#1012628). - perf script: Assume native_arch for pipe mode (bnc#1012628). - MIPS: lb60: Fix pin mappings (bnc#1012628). - gpio: davinci: silence error prints in case of EPROBE_DEFER (bnc#1012628). - gpiolib: of: fix a memory leak in of_gpio_flags_quirks() (bnc#1012628). - Revert "gpio/spi: Fix spi-gpio regression on active high CS" (bnc#1012628). - dma-buf: Discard old fence_excl on retrying get_fences_rcu for realloc (bnc#1012628). - dma-buf: balance refcount inbalance (bnc#1012628). - mlxsw: spectrum: Do not process learned records with a dummy FID (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix default encap mode (bnc#1012628). - mlxsw: spectrum_dcb: Configure DSCP map as the last rule is removed (bnc#1012628). - bnxt_en: Fix VNIC accounting when enabling aRFS on 57500 chips (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix error flow in tx reporter diagnose (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix return value from timeout recover function (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Rx, Fix checksum calculation for new hardware (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: Fix port tunnel GRE entropy control (bnc#1012628). - net/tls: reject offload of TLS 1.3 (bnc#1012628). - net/tls: fix poll ignoring partially copied records (bnc#1012628). - selftests: txring_overwrite: fix incorrect test of mmap() return value (bnc#1012628). - netrom: hold sock when setting skb->destructor (bnc#1012628). - netrom: fix a memory leak in nr_rx_frame() (bnc#1012628). - macsec: fix checksumming after decryption (bnc#1012628). - macsec: fix use-after-free of skb during RX (bnc#1012628). - net: bridge: stp: don't cache eth dest pointer before skb pull (bnc#1012628). - net: bridge: don't cache ether dest pointer on input (bnc#1012628). - net: bridge: mcast: fix stale ipv6 hdr pointer when handling v6 query (bnc#1012628). - net: bridge: mcast: fix stale nsrcs pointer in igmp3/mld2 report handling (bnc#1012628). - net/mlx5e: IPoIB, Add error path in mlx5_rdma_setup_rn (bnc#1012628). - vrf: make sure skb->data contains ip header to make routing (bnc#1012628). - tcp: Reset bytes_acked and bytes_received when disconnecting (bnc#1012628). - tcp: fix tcp_set_congestion_control() use from bpf hook (bnc#1012628). - tcp: be more careful in tcp_fragment() (bnc#1012628). - sky2: Disable MSI on ASUS P6T (bnc#1012628). - sctp: not bind the socket in sctp_connect (bnc#1012628). - sctp: fix error handling on stream scheduler initialization (bnc#1012628). - rxrpc: Fix send on a connected, but unbound socket (bnc#1012628). - r8169: fix issue with confused RX unit after PHY power-down on RTL8411b (bnc#1012628). - nfc: fix potential illegal memory access (bnc#1012628). - net/tls: make sure offload also gets the keys wiped (bnc#1012628). - net: stmmac: Re-work the queue selection for TSO packets (bnc#1012628). - net_sched: unset TCQ_F_CAN_BYPASS when adding filters (bnc#1012628). - net: phy: sfp: hwmon: Fix scaling of RX power (bnc#1012628). - net: openvswitch: fix csum updates for MPLS actions (bnc#1012628). - net: neigh: fix multiple neigh timer scheduling (bnc#1012628). - net: make skb_dst_force return true when dst is refcounted (bnc#1012628). - net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: wait after reset deactivation (bnc#1012628). - net: bcmgenet: use promisc for unsupported filters (bnc#1012628). - ipv6: Unlink sibling route in case of failure (bnc#1012628). - ipv6: rt6_check should return NULL if 'from' is NULL (bnc#1012628). - ipv4: don't set IPv6 only flags to IPv4 addresses (bnc#1012628). - igmp: fix memory leak in igmpv3_del_delrec() (bnc#1012628). - hv_netvsc: Fix extra rcu_read_unlock in netvsc_recv_callback() (bnc#1012628). - caif-hsi: fix possible deadlock in cfhsi_exit_module() (bnc#1012628). - bnx2x: Prevent load reordering in tx completion processing (bnc#1012628). - commit d795a82 - rpm/macros.kernel-source: KMPs should depend on kmod-compat to build. kmod-compat links are used in find-provides.ksyms, find-requires.ksyms, and find-supplements.ksyms in rpm-config-SUSE. - commit f97ca49 - scripts/run_oldconfig.sh: Fix update-vanilla When CC is set we want to use it for native only. Cross-compilation still needs the crosscompilers. - commit 3b9fcdb ==== kgamma5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kgamma5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== khotkeys5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kinfocenter5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kmenuedit5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kmozillahelper ==== Version update (5.0.4 -> 5.0.5) - Update to 5.0.5: * Recognize if started from Thunderbird ==== krb5 ==== Subpackages: krb5-32bit krb5-client - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html ==== krita ==== Version update (4.2.3 -> 4.2.4) Subpackages: krita-lang - Update to 4.2.4: * See https://krita.org/en/item/krita-4-2-4/ * New Painttool Sai inspired Luminosity blending mode (kde#409627) * Make it possible to use dots in filenames (note that that still might confuse your OS) (kde#409765) * Fix regression on softness sensor on Default Circle autobrush tip (kde#409758) * Clear any leftover points in the line tool on each use so there are no false starts (kde#408439) * Do not reset the opacity to zero when moving more than one shape at a time (kde#409131) * Do not ignore rotation in the bristle brush engine (kde#384231) * Fix cursor drift when using pan/zoom/rotate (kde#409460) * Fix a crash when creating an RGB image after the last used color model was CMYK (kde#409916) * Use Qt's QImageIO image import/export filter for PPM files instead of our own, broken implementation (kde#409714) * Fix updating the brush size in the toolbar using shortcuts or drag (kde#408331) * Make generated gradient names translatable (kde#410034) * Fix a crash that could happen when closing Krita after deleting a session (kde#409909) * Fix a bug in the color picker that made it possible for the active foreground color to be transparent * Fix a logic error in the Separate Image plugin (kde#410308) * Update the notes for the LargeRGB color profile (kde#410023) * Fix the filename reference for Rec.709 profiles * Add a workaround for the KisShortcutsMatcher assert (kde#408826) ==== kscreen5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kscreenlocker ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5 - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== ksshaskpass5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== ksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: ksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kwayland-integration ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== kwin5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: kwin5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * [kcmkwin/kwindesktop] Make SpinBox editable (kde#410368) * Fix Qt warnings when rect is invalid, e.g. QRect(0,2111 3840x0) * Don't crash when highlighted tabbox client is closed (kde#406784) * Fix case-sensitivity typo in libinput configuration function (kde#408943) * Fix creation of kdeglobals if /etc/xdg/kdeglobals present ==== libdazzle ==== Version update (3.32.2 -> 3.32.3) Subpackages: libdazzle-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-libdazzle-1_0 - Update to version 3.32.3: + Workaround changes in GTK action muxing. ==== libgarcon ==== Version update (0.6.2 -> 0.6.4) Subpackages: libgarcon-1-0 libgarcon-data libgarcon-lang - Update to version 0.6.4 * Update gitignore * Fix use after free crash (bxo#15679) * Translation updates - Removed %defattr macros - Use %make_build - Update to version 0.6.3 * Fix g_type_class_add_private deprecation in recent GLib * Translation Updates ==== libgit2 ==== Version update (0.28.1 -> 0.28.2) - Update to 0.28.2: * Fix include directory ordering when using bundled dependencies. * Fix infinite loop when searching for a non-existing repository with Windows-style paths including drive prefixes. * Fix symlinks to directories on Windows. * Fix paths with a trailing "/" not always being treated as directories when computing ignores. * Fix false negatives when computing ignores where ignore rules that are a prefix to a negative ignore rule exist. * Fix patches with CRLF line endings not being parsed correctly. * Fix segfault when parsing patches with file addition (deletion) where the added (deleted) file name contains a space. * Fix assertion failure when trying to write to a non-existent locked configuration file. ==== libkdecoration2 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private6 - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== libkscreen2 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== libksysguard5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: libksysguard5-helper libksysguard5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== libnss_nis ==== Version update (3.0 -> 3.1) Subpackages: libnss_nis2 libnss_nis2-32bit - Update to version 3.1 - fix compiling with glibc 2.30 ==== libstorage-ng ==== Version update (4.1.127 -> 4.1.143) Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1 - Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) - 4.1.143 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#660 - added functions to query existance of holders - 4.1.142 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#659 - added parser for 'cryptsetup luksDump' - added example - added support for LUKS2 - extended documentation - coding style - extended integration tests - fixed documentation - fixed typo - relaxed parser for whitespace changes - LUKS2 support - 4.1.141 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#658 - probe zone model for disks - added unit test - avoid compiler warning - coding style - 4.1.140 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#657 - extended documentation - 4.1.139 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#656 - improve sorting of pmem devices - 4.1.138 - Translated using Weblate (German) - 4.1.137 - Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - 4.1.136 - Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - 4.1.135 - Translated using Weblate (Slovak) - 4.1.134 - Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - 4.1.133 - Translated using Weblate (Japanese) - 4.1.132 - Translated using Weblate (Czech) - 4.1.131 - Translated using Weblate (Catalan) - 4.1.130 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#655 - allow to customize style of graphviz output - use new style api - added examples for style api usage - coding style - added unit test - 4.1.129 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#654 - updated pot and po files - 4.1.128 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#653 - improve filesystem related commit action messages - added unit test - added integration test - removed unneeded include statement ==== libvirt ==== Version update (5.4.0 -> 5.5.0) Subpackages: libvirt-bash-completion libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-gluster libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi libvirt-daemon-lxc libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-daemon-xen libvirt-libs - Update to libvirt 5.5.0 - CVE-2019-10161, CVE-2019-10166, CVE-2019-10167, CVE-2019-10168 - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see http://libvirt.org/news.html - Dropped patches: aed6a032-CVE-2019-10161.patch, db0b7845-CVE-2019-10166.patch, 8afa68ba-CVE-2019-10167.patch, bf6c2830-CVE-2019-10168.patch ==== linux-glibc-devel ==== Version update (5.1 -> 5.2) - Update to kernel headers 5.2 ==== mate-calc ==== Version update (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0) Subpackages: mate-calc-lang - Update to version 1.23.0: * Update translations. * Migrate from intltools into gettext * mp-serializer: fix scientific presentation of complex numbers * Avoid deprecated 'gtk_widget_get_style' and 'gtk_widget_modify_font' * Fix FSF address * test-mp-equation: add tests for physical constants * mp-equation: update values from physical constants to match with tooltip values in math-buttons.c * Add unit tooltips to physical constants * dont focus on click * mp-equation: add pre-defined physical constants * buttons-ui: add destructive-action style to 'clear' button * buttons-ui: add style class "suggested-action" to result button * Use gresources for UI files * Unit tests: pi constant, ln (e^i?) * currency-manager: Update name_map in load_imf_rates * math-buttons: Fix cppcheck warning: Identical inner 'return' * math-buttons: avoid shifting signed 64-bit value by 63 bits * Add support for "pi" in addition to "?" * i18n about dialog - remove patch: * mate-calc-gtk-3.20.patch: we don't support gtk3.20 anymore - build require gtk >= 3.22, glib >= 2.50 and gio >= 2.50 - don't install *.ui files anymore as they were moved to src/ ==== milou5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: milou5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== mtpaint ==== Subpackages: mtpaint-lang - bsc#1144253 - Drop jasper dependency from mtpaint: Drop support for opensuse < 1220. mtpaint can choose between openjpeg and jasper. Dropping jasper but we will still have JPEG2000 support through openjpeg. - Run spec-cleaner ==== mutter ==== Version update (3.32.2 -> 3.32.2+43) Subpackages: libmutter-4-0 mutter-data mutter-lang - Update to version 3.32.2+43: + metatest: Dispatch the destruction instead of sleeping after it + window-x11: Remove double definition of MetaStack + window-x11: Focus a window in the active workspace as take-focus fallback + meson: Bump meson requirement to 0.50.0 + window-x11: Use any focusable window as fallback delayed focus window + tests: Add "accept_take_focus" command + test-client: Add x11 events GSource handler + stack: Add a function to get a sorted list of focus candidates + window-x11: Accept any focusable window as fallback focus + window-x11: Don't double-check for unmanaging windows - Switch to git checkout via source service, upstream is lacking in stable releases. In the future we will use a stable tag when possible, but when upstream slacks off, we will use a checkout of the stable branch. ==== net-snmp ==== Subpackages: libsnmp30 perl-SNMP snmp-mibs - Add Lustre filesystem support (bsc#1140341). Add net-snmp-5.8-add-lustre-fs-support.patch ==== nmap ==== - add nmap-7.70-fix_infinite_loop.patch to fix infinite loop in tls-alpn when server is forcing a protocol [bsc#1143277] ==== openldap2 ==== Version update (2.4.47 -> 2.4.48) Subpackages: libldap-2_4-2 libldap-2_4-2-32bit libldap-data openldap2-client openldap2-devel - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html - Update to upstream release 2.4.48 with security fixes: * CVE-2019-13057 (ITS#9038): rootdn of any db can assert any identity * CVE-2019-13565 (ITS#9052): Unauthorized access caused by incorrect handling of SASL SSF values - Fix CVE-2017-17740 by disabling nops overlay not maintained by upstream (see also bsc#1073313, comment #36) - Removed obsolete patches: * 0002-openldap-its8727-plug-ber-leaks.patch * 0017-Fix-segfault-in-nops.patch OpenLDAP 2.4.48 (2019/07/24) Added libldap OpenSSL Elliptic Curve support (ITS#7595) Added libldap Expose OpenLDAP specific interfaces via openldap.h (ITS#8671) Added slapd-monitor support for slapd-mdb (ITS#7770) Fixed liblber leaks (ITS#8727) Fixed liblber with partial flush (ITS#8864) Fixed libldap ASYNC TLS so it works (ITS#8957,ITS#8980) Fixed libldap ASYNC connections with Solaris 10 (ITS#8968) Fixed libldap with SASL_NOCANON=on and ldapi connections (ITS#7585) Fixed libldap to be able to unset syncrepl TLS options (ITS#7042) Fixed libldap race condition in ldap_int_initialize (ITS#7996, ITS#8450) Fixed libldap return code in ldap_create_assertion_control_value (ITS#8674) Fixed libldap to correctly disable IPv6 when configured to do so (ITS#8754) Fixed libldap to correctly close TLS connection (ITS#8755) Fixed libldap with non-blocking TLS and referals (ITS#8167) Fixed libldap_r handling of deprecated OpenSSL function (ITS#8353) Fixed liblunicode case correspondance (ITS#8508) Fixed slapd with an idletimeout of less than four seconds (ITS#8952) Fixed slapd config parser variable for Windows64 (ITS#9012) Fixed slapd syncrepl fallback handling with delta-syncrepl (ITS#9015) Fixed slapd telephoneNumberNormalize, cert DN validation (ITS#8999) Fixed slapd syncrepl for relax with delta-syncrepl (ITS#8037) Fixed slapd to restrict rootDN proxyauthz to its own databases (ITS#9038) Fixed slapd to initialize SASL SSF per connection (ITS#9052) Fixed slapo-accesslog with SLAP_MOD_SOFT modifications (ITS#8990) Fixed slapd-ldap starttls connections timeout behavior (ITS#8963) Fixed slapd-ldap segfault when entry result doesn't match filter (ITS#8997) Fixed slapd-meta conversion from slapd.conf to cn=config (ITS#8743) Fixed slapd-meta assertion when network interface goes down (ITS#8841) Fixed slapd-mdb fix bitshift integer overflow (ITS#8989) Fixed slapd-mdb index cleanup with cn=config (ITS#8472) Fixed slapd-mdb to improve performance with alias deref (ITS#7657) Fixed slapo-accesslog possible assert with exops (ITS#8971) Fixed slapo-chain to correctly reject multiple chaining URIs (ITS#8637) Fixed slapo-chain conversion from slapd.conf to cn=config (ITS#8799) Fixed slapo-memberof conversion from slapd.conf to cn=config (ITS#8663) Fixed slapo-memberof for group name change to itself (ITS#9000) Fixed slapo-ppolicy behavior when pwdInHistory is changed (ITS#8349) Fixed slapo-rwm to not free original filter (ITS#8964) Fixed slapo-syncprov contextCSN generation (ITS#9015) Build Environment Fixed slapd to only link to BDB libraries with static build (ITS#8948) Fixed libldap implicit declaration with LDAP_CONNECTIONLESS (ITS#8794) Fixed libldap double inclusion of limits.h in cyrus.c (ITS#9041) Documentation General - Fixed minor typos (ITS#8764, ITS#8761) admin24 - Miscellaneous updates promoting mdb and fixing examples (ITS#9031) slapd.access(5) - Note MDB is the primary backend (ITS#8881) slapd.backends(5) - Note MDB is the recommended backend (ITS#8771) slapd-ldap(5) - Document starttls parameter (ITS#8693) Contrib Added slapo-lastbind capability to forward authTimestamp updates (ITS#7721) ==== osc ==== Version update (0.165.3 -> 0.165.4) - 0.165.4 (boo#1144211) * allow optional fork when creating a maintenance request * fix RPMError fallback * fix local caching for all package formats * fix appname for trusted cert store * osc -h does not break anymore when using plugins ==== osinfo-db ==== Version update (20190504 -> 20190611) - Update database to version 20190611 osinfo-db-20190611.tar.xz - Drop add-sle12sp4-support.patch ==== oxygen5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== parole ==== Version update (1.0.2 -> 1.0.3) Subpackages: parole-lang - Update to version 1.0.3 * Drop deprecated OnlyShowIn keys in desktop actions (bxo#15259) * Ensure the time divider is shown/hidden correctly * Fix closing of Parole process with Ctrl-Q (bxo#15698) * Fix compiler warnings (clang) (bxo#15260) * Fix Gtk-CRITICAL when closing main window (bxo#15621) * Change text '?' to '...' for consistency with other Xfce apps (bxo#14266) * Change text '60 seconds' to '1 minute' (bxo#15529) * Move appdata to metainfo (bxo#15381) * Translation Updates ==== parted ==== Subpackages: libparted0 parted-lang - changed: parted-fix-crash-due-to-improper-partition-number-in.patch Changed the patch to behave in the same way like before last change for numbers with leading zeroes. ==== patterns-base ==== Version update (20190206 -> 20190612) Subpackages: patterns-base-apparmor patterns-base-apparmor_opt patterns-base-base patterns-base-basesystem patterns-base-console patterns-base-documentation patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-enhanced_base_opt patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-transactional_base patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_enhanced patterns-base-x11_opt - Add %files section for basic_desktop, or the package won't be generated. - Provide pattern() = basic_desktop - Create basic_desktop pattern containing the desktop packages like icewm that are wanted on a basic sles desktop but not in every openSUSE install (boo#1124865) - .Remove some duplicated packages in x11_enhanced - Regenerate 32bit patterns ==== perl-Bootloader ==== Version update (0.923 -> 0.925) - merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#122 - Replace --suse-signed-grub by --suse-force-signed to follow update from boo#1136601 - 0.925 - merge gh#openSUSE/perl-bootloader#121 - Fix secureboot on aarch64 (boo#1136601) - [RFC] Fix secureboot on aarch64 (boo#1136601) - 0.924 ==== pesign ==== - Add pesign-boo1143063-remove-var-tracking.patch to remove var-tracking from the default CFLAGS (boo#1143063) ==== pinentry ==== Subpackages: pinentry-gnome3 pinentry-gtk2 pinentry-qt5 - Fix a dangling pointer in qt/main.cpp [bsc#1141883] * Added pinentry-qt-Fix-use-of-dangling-pointer.patch - Updated spec file with spec-cleaner ==== plasma-browser-integration ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== plasma-nm5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * Airplane mode improvements (kde#399993,kde#400535,kde#405447) ==== plasma5-addons ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * Remove colon (:) prefix when looking up dictionary word (kde#376905) * Hide the applet when clicking the view and it's expanded (kde#395589) ==== plasma5-desktop ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * Do not skip code launching application in application dashboard (kde#408748) * Properly initialize oldStart and oldEnd in PreviewImageProvider::requestImage (kde#409518) * Fix compilation with Qt 5.13 (missing include QTime) * [LNF KCM] make it possible to close the preview * [Fonts KCM] Alter DPI only on explicit user interaction (kde#405572) ==== plasma5-integration ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== plasma5-openSUSE ==== Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE - Update to 5.16.4 ==== plasma5-pa ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== plasma5-workspace ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - Changes since 5.16.3: * [Notifications] Keep new delegate hidden until room has been cleared ==== plymouth ==== Version update (0.9.4+git20190325+b9f2aac -> 0.9.4+git20190612+9359382) Subpackages: libply-boot-client4 libply-splash-core4 libply-splash-graphics4 libply4 plymouth-dracut plymouth-plugin-label plymouth-plugin-label-ft plymouth-plugin-two-step plymouth-scripts plymouth-theme-bgrt plymouth-theme-spinner - Update plymouth.spec: Disable upstart-monitor compile because it only used in Ubuntu/Debian. - Update plymouth.spec: Use bcond_with for X11 renderer, cleanup syntax. - Update plymouth.spec: obsolete plymouth render plugin for Xwindows, Since this plugin will not be used in the production environment, and this modify will highly decrease the compilation of build requirements. - Update to version 0.9.4+git20190612+9359382: * two-step: Add support for firmware-splashes with rotation status bits set * Regenerate plymouth.pot to add the strings for the new firmware-upgrade mode. ==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== powerdevil5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== python-libvirt-python ==== Version update (5.4.0 -> 5.5.0) - Update to 5.5.0 - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 5.5.0 ==== python-pexpect ==== - Add missing builddep on setuptools ==== rubygem-asciidoctor ==== Version update (2.0.9 -> 2.0.10) - updated to version 2.0.10 see installed CHANGELOG.adoc == 2.0.10 (2019-05-31) - @mojavelinux Bug Fixes:: * fix Asciidoctor.convert_file to honor `header_footer: false` option when writing to file (#3316) * fix placement of title on excerpt block (#3289) * always pass same options to SyntaxHighlighter#docinfo, regardless of value of location argument * fix signature of SyntaxHighlighter#docinfo method (#3300) * when `icons` is set to `image`, enable image icons, but don't use it as the value of the `icontype` attribute (#3308) // end::compact[] ==== rubygem-parallel_tests ==== Version update (2.29.0 -> 2.29.1) - updated to version 2.29.1 no changelog found ==== rubygem-yast-rake ==== Version update (0.2.32 -> 0.2.34) - support proper rubocop version in rake check:rubocop (bsc#1139270) - 0.2.34 - :sle_latest is SLE15-SP2 now (bsc#1138835) - 0.2.33 ==== salt ==== Subpackages: python3-salt salt-master salt-minion - Multiple fixes on cmdmod, chroot, freezer and zypperpkg needed for Yomi cmdmod: fix runas and group in run_chroot chroot: add missing sys directory chroot: change variable name to root chroot: fix bug in safe_kwargs iteration freezer: do not fail in cache dir is present freezer: clean freeze YAML profile on restore zypperpkg: fix pkg.list_pkgs cache - Added: * accumulated-changes-required-for-yomi-165.patch - Avoid traceback on http.query when there are errors with the requested URL (bsc#1128554) - Added: * avoid-traceback-when-http.query-request-cannot-be-pe.patch - Salt python client get_full_returns seems return data from incorrect jid (bsc#1131114) - Added: * checking-for-jid-before-returning-data.patch ==== sendmail ==== Subpackages: libmilter1_0 - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html ==== shadow ==== - Fix incorrect variable name in usermod (shadow-usermod-variable.patch). - shadow-login_defs-comments.patch: * Drop SHA_CRYPT_*_ROUNDS that are in the upstream login.defs. * Add missing LASTLOG_UID_MAX. * Refresh shadow-login_defs-suse.patch. - Port shadow-login_defs-check.sh to match the current spec file and login.defs. - Provide "useradd_or_adduser_dep" for sysuser-shadow - shadow-login_defs-suse.patch: Set ALWAYS_SET_PATH default to "yes" (bsc#353876#c7). - Fix comment about patch in spec file ==== signon ==== Subpackages: libsignon-qt5-1 signon-plugins signond signond-libs - Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library. ==== subversion ==== Version update (1.12.0 -> 1.12.2) Subpackages: libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring-1-0 libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0 subversion-bash-completion subversion-perl subversion-python subversion-server subversion-tools - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html - Update to 1.12.2: * Fix conflict resolver bug: local and incoming edits swapped. (r1863285) * Fix memory lifetime problem in a libsvn_wc error code path. (r1863287) * CVE-2018-11782 bsc#1142743 * CVE-2019-0203 bsc#1142721 - Add subversion-1.12.0-swig-4.patch: Fix build with Swig 4 (boo#1135747). ==== supermin ==== - Adding sysconfig-netconfig to list of required dependencie (BSC#136878) ==== systemsettings5 ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== sysuser-tools ==== Version update (2.0 -> 3.0) - Use suggests shadow to prefer that over busybox in normal systems - Add support for busybox adduser/addgroup - Change requirements from shadow to useradd_or_adduser_dep ==== taglib ==== Version update (1.11.2~git20190601 -> 1.11.2~git20190531.ba7adc2b) Subpackages: libtag1 libtag_c0 - Use version 1.11.2~git20190531.ba7adc2b to match up the update-version.patch - Install examples - Switch to service file for generating the package - Use conditions to enable the multibuild tests in other loop while also generating the docs - Make sure the tests are actually executed - Split API documentation from devel package, and convert it to multibuild - API documentation is significantly larger than library and headers - API documentation is noarch - Significantly reduced dependency chain for the library package - Use graphviz-gd instead of graphviz-gnome for API docs - Cleanup specfile ==== thunar-volman ==== Version update (0.9.1 -> 0.9.4) Subpackages: thunar-volman-lang - Update to version 0.9.4 * Translation updates - Added bcond to build with git master source - Remove unneded V=1 flag - Update to 0.9.3 * Removed # vi:set encoding=UTF-8: from .desktop files (bxo#15466) * Translation updates - Removed deprecated macros - Update to version 0.9.2 - Translation updates ==== unbound ==== Subpackages: unbound-anchor - Correct library version from 2 to 8 - removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by firewalld, see [1]. [1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html ==== units ==== Version update (2.18 -> 2.19) - units 2.19: * Unit definitions updated to reflect new 2019 revisions to SI and the 2018 NIST CODATA. * Added definitions of country and USA state areas, and physical properties of selected woods. * Changes only to definitions.units in this release. ==== virt-manager ==== Subpackages: virt-install virt-manager-common - bsc#1143315 - virt-manager: Fix detection for SLE15 virtinst-add-sle15-detection-support.patch virtinst-add-caasp-support.patch virtinst-detect-oes-distros.patch virtinst-add-pvh-support.patch virtinst-s390x-disable-graphics.patch virtinst-set-qemu-emulator.patch ==== vlc ==== Subpackages: libvlc5 libvlccore9 vlc-codec-gstreamer vlc-lang vlc-noX vlc-qt vlc-vdpau - Disable SDL_image (SDL 1.2) based codec. It is only a wrapper around some image loading libraries (libpng, libjpeg, ...) which are either wrapped by vlc itself (libpng_plugin.so) or via libavcodec (libavcodec_plugin.so). - Add vlc-CVE-2019-13602_1.patch and vlc-CVE-2019-13602_2.patch: fix integer underflow in mp4 demuxer (CVE-2019-13602, boo#1141522). - Add vlc-CVE-2019-13962.patch: codec: avcodec: fix broken check before copy (CVE-2019-13962, boo#1142161). ==== wireshark ==== Subpackages: libwireshark12 libwiretap9 libwscodecs2 libwsutil10 wireshark-ui-qt - Added BuildRequires for spandsp-devel to enable decoding of various VoIP codecs ==== wpa_supplicant ==== Subpackages: wpa_supplicant-gui - Refresh spec-file via spec-cleaner and manual optimizations. * Change URL and Source0 to actual project homepage. * Remove macro %{?systemd_requires} and rm (not needed). * Add %autopatch macro. * Add %make_build macro. - Chenged patch wpa_supplicant-flush-debug-output.patch (to -p1). - Changed service-files for start after network (systemd-networkd). ==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ==== Version update (5.16.3 -> 5.16.4) Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang - Update to 5.16.4 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.16.4.php - No code changes since 5.16.3 ==== xf86-input-evdev ==== - move all xorg.conf.d snippets from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) ==== xf86-input-libinput ==== - move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) ==== xf86-input-synaptics ==== - move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) ==== xf86-input-vmmouse ==== - move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) ==== xf86-input-wacom ==== - move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) ==== xf86-video-mga ==== - adding to changelog, that * U_Adapt-Block-WakeupHandler-signature-for-ABI-23.patch fixes build against updated xorg-server 1.19 (bsc#1098226) * current sources contain latest driver updates for sle12 (fate #315643-315645, 319159-319161, 319618) * we disabled DRI(1) in the driver (no longer supported by Mesa) ==== xorg-x11-server ==== Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-extra xorg-x11-server-sdk xorg-x11-server-wayland - move xorg.conf.d snippets from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) ==== yast2 ==== Version update (4.2.3 -> 4.2.17) Subpackages: yast2-logs - Allow to know if there is a forced base product (bsc#1124590, bsc#1143943). - 4.2.17 - Add a dependency on hostname, as it is needed by the Hostname module (boo#1142595). - 4.2.16 - Stop "ls: write error: Broken pipe" messages (bsc#1128032) - 4.2.15 - Release the sources to avoid using up all server connections (bsc#1141127) - 4.2.14 - Fixed evaluating the base products to avoid the "No base product found" error message at upgrade, for reading the product data prefer the new products (bsc#1142522) - 4.2.13 - fixed symlink creation in jenkins - Infer the right module name from desktop files (bsc#1140233). - 4.2.12 - bsc#1138668 - Fixed failing old testsuite in yast2-dns-server package: do not depend on the environment, skip bind absence in Mode.test() - 4.2.11 - deprecate Arch.ia64 and drop all support for ia64 (last seen in SLE 11) - bsc#1137992 - PackageSystem.Installed: Fixed typo when passing the allowed return codes to Execute. - 4.2.10 - bsc#1137992 - PackageSystem.Installed: Use Yast::Execute instead of SCR to avoid false positives. - 4.2.9 - Slideshow: Flag for switching on/off release notes tab. (bsc#1136708) - 4.2.8 - bsc#1137992 - PackageSystem.Installed: Increase the logs details. - 4.2.7 - bsc#1086454 - Recognize IB interfaces based on IPOIB_MODE ifcfg attribute - 4.2.6 - Use new schema of desktop files (boo#1084864) - Clean up spec - Rename desktop files - 4.2.5 - Drop old testsuite - Convert from autotools to rake based installation - create log directory with control.xml and merged installation.xml - 4.2.4 ==== yast2-add-on ==== Version update (4.1.12 -> 4.2.4) - AY: Adapted docu regarding <add_on_others> flag (bsc#1125411). - 4.2.4 - Release the sources to avoid using up all server connections (bsc#1141127) - 4.2.3 - AY Export/Import: Support also repositories not containing any product (usually custom or 3rd party repositories) (bsc#1125441). - 4.2.2 - Do not abort when an addon license is refused (bsc#1114018). - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-alternatives ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-apparmor ==== Version update (4.1.7 -> 4.2.1) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.1 - Add metadata (fate#319035) - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-auth-client ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1) - Fix an issue importing legacy XML based autoyast configuration; (bsc#1137380); - Require network to be configured before importing autoyast configuration; (bsc#1136139); - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-auth-server ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.2) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.2 - Add dependency on krb5-plugin-kdb-ldap - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-bootloader ==== Version update (4.2.1 -> 4.2.9) - Fix testsuite on AArch64. Related to changes done for boo#1136601 - 4.2.9 - Better handling of broken bootloader configurations during the upgrade process (bsc#1138930). - 4.2.8 - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.7 - Replace --suse-signed-grub with --suse-force-signed to follow update from boo#1136601 - 4.2.6 - adapt to new rubocop (bsc#1139270) - 4.2.5 - Enable Secure Boot on AArch64 (boo#1136601) - 4.2.4 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.3 - Improve the readability of a technical problem description, splitting it in multiple lines (bsc#1136746). - 4.2.2 - Proposal for s390: Set kernel parameters without "resume" parameter (JIRA#SLE-6926). ==== yast2-configuration-management ==== Version update (4.1.6 -> 4.2.1) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-control-center ==== Version update (4.1.8 -> 4.2.1) Subpackages: yast2-control-center-qt - Display GenericName and Comment, not Name (boo#1084864) - 4.2.1 - Change location of appdataa and fix it up (fate#319035) - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-country ==== Version update (4.1.12 -> 4.2.2) Subpackages: yast2-country-data - Unify keyboard maps for openSUSE and other distributions. Now the keymaps based on the xkb layouts from xkeyboard-config are preferred in all distributions (follow-up of bsc#1124921). - 4.2.2 - Fixed some wrong keyboard maps (follow-up of bsc#1124921) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 - Language change: Warning if no repo is available for installing translation packages (bsc#1133414). - 4.1.13 ==== yast2-dhcp-server ==== Version update (4.1.5 -> 4.2.1) - Fixed failing old testsuite: do not depend on the environment, skip bind absence in Mode.test() (bsc#1138668) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-dns-server ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.2.1) - Fixed failing old testsuite: do not depend on the environment, skip bind absence in Mode.test() (bsc#1138668) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-drbd ==== Version update (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-firewall ==== Version update (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.1 ==== yast2-firstboot ==== Version update (4.1.7 -> 4.2.1) - Do not rely on the already dropped DNS.proposal_valid method (related to bsc#1140199). - 4.2.1 - Use new schema of desktop files (boo#1084864) - Clean up spec - Rename desktop files - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-ftp-server ==== Version update (4.1.6 -> 4.2.1) - Fix show command to inform the correct allowed user (bsc#1142146) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-http-server ==== Version update (4.1.4 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-installation ==== Version update (4.2.4 -> 4.2.8) - Improve the detection of a forced base product (bsc#1124590, bsc#1143943). - 4.2.8 - Avoid to lost the focus in the proposal installation summary when the user makes changes using the available options on it (bsc#1142353). - 4.2.7 - Copy multipath config files into the target system. - Related to bsc#1133045. - 4.2.6 - Use new schema of desktop files (boo#1084864) - Clean up spec - Rename desktop files - 4.2.5 ==== yast2-instserver ==== Version update (4.1.5 -> 4.2.2) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.2 - Do not crash when starting the Installation Server (bsc#1141963). - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-iscsi-client ==== Version update (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.1 ==== yast2-isns ==== Version update (4.1.4 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-journal ==== Version update (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.1 ==== yast2-kdump ==== Version update (4.2.0 -> 4.2.1) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.1 ==== yast2-mail ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) - bsc#105491 setup of postfix with amavis DKIM signing does noti work at all. The dkim setup script was rewritten. - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-multipath ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-network ==== Version update (4.2.2 -> 4.2.11) - Requires hostname: there are many places where the module calls /bin/hostname (boo#1142595). - 4.2.11 - avoid dependency on autoyast2-installation - 4.2.10 - Revamp UI internals, adding new widgets, sequences and introducing the concept of interface builder. - Add initial bits of the new data model. - Fix several bugs that were introduced in version 4.2.2. - 4.2.9 - The 'lan' client returns the correct value (bsc#1140199). - 4.2.8 - bsc#1137346 - CLI: Report an error instead of raising an exception when the device type is not provided and there is no way to infer it from the given options. - boo#1138297 - Improve some mocking in NetworkService.activate_network_service unit test which caused some test to fail randomly. - 4.2.7 - boo#1138278 - Adapt the AddressDialog to use the new Y2Network::Routing class when checking if there is some default gateway defined. - 4.2.6 - bsc#1136929 - Use the hwinfo permanent mac address instead of the current mac which could be wrong in case of an enslaved interface. - bsc#1137324 - Do not create duplicate udev rule attributes when editing an interface name. - boo#903889 - When proposing a bridge configuration for virtualization, move the routes from the enslaved interface to the new bridge. - 4.2.5 - Use new schema of desktop files (boo#1084864) - Clean up spec - Rename desktop files - 4.2.4 - bnc#1131588 - display a confirmation popup when static route is going to be removed when switching a device to dhcp - 4.2.3 ==== yast2-nfs-client ==== Version update (4.1.5 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-nfs-server ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) Subpackages: yast2-nfs-common - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-nis-client ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-nis-server ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-ntp-client ==== Version update (4.1.8 -> 4.2.2) - Fix 'ntp-client' behaviour when running in firstboot (bsc#1140199). - 4.2.2 - Added cwm/popup dependency (bsc#893065, bsc#1039985) - Enable/disable chronyd service: Enable/disable chrony-wait service too (bsc#1137196). - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-online-update ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) Subpackages: yast2-online-update-frontend - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-online-update-configuration ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-packager ==== Version update (4.2.7 -> 4.2.23) - Select the forced base product during the repositories initialization (bsc#1124590, bsc#1143943). - 4.2.23 - Fixed product selection for single repositories: do not scan the products when there is only one repository, the scan is not needed (related to bsc#1141414) - 4.2.22 - Set the proper release version for newly added repos always, not only during upgrade (bsc#1132748). - 4.2.21 - Add method to get the dependencies of a product (bsc#1142535). - 4.2.20 - Add method to get the summary of a product (bsc#1142414). - 4.2.19 - Fixed the unit test for the previous change to work also on other architectures than x86_64 (related to bsc#1141414) - 4.2.18 - Improved product selection for multi-repositories media (bsc#1141414): - Display more product details - Handle the product dependencies - 4.2.17 - Better handling of license agreement dialog, allowing to distinguish when the user is declining a license or aborting the installation (bsc#1114018) - 4.2.16 - Package installation: Rebuild slide show dialog and enable realease notes tab (bsc#1136708). - 4.2.15 - Allow to select the license language when running in textmode (bsc#1135901) - 4.2.14 - Replace icondir with an url schema (boo#1125594) - 4.2.13 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - 4.2.12 - Fixed the unit tests for Y2packager::Resolvables to pass also on the other archs than x86_64 (related to bsc#1132650, bsc#1136051) - 4.2.11 - Define the openSUSE => SLES product migration to properly display the migration summary text (bsc#1136325) - 4.2.10 - With the previous fix 1GB RAM is enough for using the online repositories, decrease the required memory limit (remove the workaround for bsc#1132650) - 4.2.9 - Added new Y2packager::Resolvables class - Use it in the installer to decrease the needed memory (bsc#1132650, bsc#1136051) - 4.2.8 ==== yast2-pkg-bindings ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) - Added Pkg.Resolvables() and Pkg.AnyResolvable() calls (related to bsc#1132650) - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-printer ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-proxy ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) - Fix 'proxy' behaviour when running in firstboot (bsc#1140199). - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-samba-client ==== Version update (4.2.1 -> 4.2.2) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.2 ==== yast2-samba-server ==== Version update (4.1.3 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-scanner ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-security ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-services-manager ==== Version update (4.1.15 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.2 ==== yast2-slp-server ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-snapper ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-sound ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1) - Restore back a SLE workaround (disable on 32-bit archs) (related to the previous fix fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-squid ==== Version update (4.1.4 -> 4.2.1) - Fixed failing old testsuite: do not depend on the environment, skip log firewall absence in Mode.test() (bsc#1138668) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-storage-ng ==== Version update (4.2.16 -> 4.2.30) - Fixed exception when removing devices from btrfs (bsc#1142669) - Sort selected devices in LVM VG and btrfs dialog by name - 4.2.30 - Fixed some errors calculating the initial proposal, before the user has executed the Guided Setup (related to jsc#SLE-7238). - 4.2.29 - Complain if user attempts to put /boot on a thin LVM or a BCache (bsc#1134130) - 4.2.28 - Guided Setup: added support for the new control file option "allocate_volume_mode". When set to "device", this option allows the user to specify a device per each volume (part of jsc#SLE-7238). - 4.2.27 - Add execute permissions to test files (bsc#1141006). - For Z Systems, the option to enlarge swap for suspend is always disabled by default, independently of its value in the control file (part of jsc#SLE-6926). - 4.2.26 - AutoYaST: Fixed typo in filesystem type that caused a crash (bsc#1136272) - 4.2.25 - AutoYaST: do not delete related partitions if they are not specifically requested (related to bsc#1096760). - 4.2.24 - Proposal: add control file option to make configurable to resize and delete partitions (part of jsc#SLE-7238). - 4.2.23 - Partitioner: fix importing mount points from a multi-device Btrfs filesystem (bsc#1137997). - 4.2.22 - adopt new rubocop to be able to use the latest ruby features (bsc#1139270) - 4.2.21 - Proposal: initial support for several separate LVM volume groups (part of jsc#SLE-7238). - 4.2.20 - AutoYaST: add support for multi-device Btrfs filesystems. - Part of jsc#SLE-3877. - 4.2.19 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment -4.2.18 - AutoYaST: do not ask for a reusable filesystem when it's not really needed (bsc#1134330). - 4.2.17 ==== yast2-sudo ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-support ==== Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-sysconfig ==== Version update (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-tftp-server ==== Version update (4.1.7 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-theme ==== Version update (4.2.2 -> 4.2.4) Subpackages: yast2-theme-breeze yast2-theme-oxygen - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.4 - Add missing Oxygen icons (boo#1125450) - 4.2.3 ==== yast2-trans ==== Version update (84.87.20190511.bc4a9329cc -> 84.87.20190728.7ac20322a3) Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-en_US yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu - Update to version 84.87.20190728.7ac20322a3: * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Galician) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * New POT for text domain 'country'. * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * New POT for text domain 's390'. * New POT for text domain 'rdp'. * New POT for text domain 'firstboot'. * New POT for text domain 'country'. - Update to version 84.87.20190720.bd88aefd92: * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'ftp-server'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 's390'. * New POT for text domain 'relocation-server'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'control'. * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) - Update to version 84.87.20190715.aaa42d40f1: * New POT for text domain 'users.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'update.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'samba-server.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'samba-client.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'http-server.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'geo-cluster.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'firstboot.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'dns-server.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'dhcp-server.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'country.xgettext'. * New POT for text domain 'control'. * New POT for text domain 'base.xgettext'. * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * New POT for text domain 'proxy'. * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'users'. * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. * Translated using Weblate (German) * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'authserver'. * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) - Update to version 84.87.20190706.6c581b1f89: * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * New POT for text domain 'ntp-client'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'registration'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'ncurses'. * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * New POT for text domain 'dns-server'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) - Update to version 84.87.20190629.deb7aedc2b: * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * New POT for text domain 'firewall-services'. * New POT for text domain 'firewall'. * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (German) - Update to version 84.87.20190623.21c5c8fd94: * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Danish) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * New POT for text domain 'qt-pkg'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) - Update to version 84.87.20190617.77b2f8555f: * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'ntp-client'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * New POT for text domain 'control'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'registration'. * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Add license file Weblate now demands a license file. - Update to version 84.87.20190606.e52462d8f6: * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'rear'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'registration'. * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) - Update to version 84.87.20190603.4fc00c11c6: * Fixed conflict * Translated using Weblate (Occidental) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Added translation using Weblate (Occidental) * New POT for text domain 'registration'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Albanian) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'. * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) * Translated using Weblate (Finnish) * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'country'. * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. * New POT for text domain 'storage'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Taiwan)) * Translated using Weblate (French) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * New POT for text domain 'qt'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * New POT for text domain 'pam'. * New POT for text domain 'iscsi-client'. * New POT for text domain 'base'. * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * New POT for text domain 'pam'. * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'installation'. * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Spanish) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Occidental) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Turkish) * Translated using Weblate (Russian) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China)) * New POT for text domain 'packager'. * New POT for text domain 'network'. * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Added translation using Weblate (Occidental) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Dutch) * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) * Translated using Weblate (German) * Translated using Weblate (Czech) * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) ==== yast2-tune ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.0) - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-update ==== Version update (4.2.2 -> 4.2.4) - Going back and forward in the update workflow: Initialize add-on products and system packages correctly (bsc#1136012). - 4.2.4 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.3 ==== yast2-users ==== Version update (4.2.1 -> 4.2.4) - hide all password fields in log (bsc#1141017) - 4.2.4 - Fixed failing old testsuite: do not depend on the environment, skip nscd restart in Mode.test() (bsc#1138668) - 4.2.3 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.2 ==== yast2-vm ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.3) - bsc#1091967 - relocation-server configuration - error : cannot read the current libvirt/sshd state. Just fix the error message so the user knows what to do. - 4.2.3 - Fixed build on i586 arch (related to fate#319035) - 4.2.2 - bsc#1105891 - virtualization test not supported for ppc64le. Allow yast-vm to run on ppc64le - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== yast2-vpn ==== Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) - Added "BuildRequires: update-desktop-files" - Related to the previous desktop file changes (fate#319035) - 4.2.1 - Add metainfo (fate#319035) - Revamp spec - Replace GenericName with Comment - 4.2.0 ==== zlib ==== Subpackages: libminizip1 libz1 libz1-32bit zlib-devel - Update the s390 patchset bsc#1137624: * 410.patch ==== zstd ==== Version update (1.4.1 -> 1.4.2) Subpackages: libzstd-devel libzstd1 - Add disk _constraints to fix ppc64le build - Update to version 1.4.2: * bug: Fix bug in zstd-0.5 decoder by @terrelln (#1696) * bug: Fix seekable decompression in-memory API by @iburinoc (#1695) * bug: Close minor memory leak in CLI by @LeeYoung624 (#1701) * misc: Validate blocks are smaller than size limit by @vivekmig (#1685) * misc: Restructure source files by @ephiepark (#1679) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org