>>> Reply on 14-11-2006 13:00:22 <<<
> I installed another 10.1 for this test. VMware-tools installs there, no
> problem with the kernel modules.
> Anyway, what I wanted to see was if the tools would work any better in
> 10.2 than the have so far in Linux.
> The windows client can run in its window and the cursor can go in and
> out of the window when tools are installed. Can you confirm this
> function working when running SUSE as guest?
> This has not been the case here. The cursor needs to be released from
> the guest window by pressing Ctrl+Alt if the tools are there or not.
> So the tools in case of SUSE as guest are useless anyway. The display
> properties can be adjusted just as fine with or without the tools, so
> I'm not too worried about the tools.
> Also if I run a remote session to that guest SUSE with FreeNX, the
> window works as any other window.
> Tools = no biggie :)
No, I can not confirm this. This still seems not to work with Linux Guests (I don't think it's specific to SUSE).
So the tools are really limited in usability...
Also the clipboard copy/paste functionaltity, which would be VERY handy, seems not to work (VM WS 5.5 on Win Host)