You're misunderstanding something Patrick. We're talking about the /etc/sudoers file exactly, which is provided by the distro. Now, sudo.conf, under /etc, will only be there if the user/admin creates it, OK?> If you go to the sudo spec file (as well as any other package that's still
Am Samstag, 5. November 2022, 01:21:58 CET schrieb Fritz Hudnut: placing config file under /etc), you can see something similar to:
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/foo
that gets expanded to:
And if the user edits /etc/foo, that "noreplace" will shield the file so that new versions (which changes the content of the file) don't replace whatever the user edited. A /etc/foo.rpmnew will be created with the new content of /etc/foo instead.>
And for the record, if anyone end up in this situation post DUP with sudo broken and do want to rollback the system (there's really no need to, in this case). Just go to YaST and revert the last changes to /etc/sudoers, as was pointed out in the openSUSE support IRC/Matrix room.> Cheers,
I had to apply the following step to resolve the issue:
For now there is a way to go back without reverting:
# visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/user
So, the "take home message" for the end user of TW with no programming skilz is, best way to upgrade TW is to use "su" to run the commands??? Running "sudo" will result in system damage??
TW is starting to behave more Sid-like than my Sid system ever has . . . couple weeks back a TW upgrade did something to wipe out my grub menu, had to install a Leap 15.4 (now 15.5) to get it back, and . . . now TW has figured out how to break sudo and leave it for dead . . . .
Any ETA for sudo's zombie revival . . . old habits die hard, everybody else insists on sudo . . . .
the new behaviour is actually the whole POINT of sudo: enabling certain users to run commands as root (or other users) WITHOUT having to tell them the password for the target account - which would also enable them to just do "su -" and do ANYTHING as the other account. in short: "TargetPW" is actually contrary to the intent and purpose of sudo - and on all my machines one of the first to go. Cheers MH -- Mathias Homann Jabber (XMPP): Matrix: IRC: [Lemmy] on freenode and ircnet (bouncer active) keybase: gpg key fingerprint: 8029 2240 F4DD 7776 E7D2 C042 6B8E 029E 13F2 C102