Am Samstag, 27. Mai 2023, 01:58:44 CEST schrieb Knurpht-openSUSE:

> Op vrijdag 26 mei 2023 15:28:32 CEST schreef Gerald Pfeifer via openSUSE


> Factory:

> > Thank you, Mau, for the background and the offer.

> >

> > And I agree, and reiterate, and ask everyone: This thread is off-topic.

> > Let's end it, please.


> Gerald, sorry to say it this bluntly:

> No way this is about the tread being off-topic. This is about denying people

> their own choices in life. We are, as a community either inclusive or

> exclusive. It is not just an opiniated discussion. If we start regarding it

> as such, we are definitely on the wrong path. We're way past keeping it

> "zen" or friendly, we're talking about excluding people from the openSUSE

> community. And I will not accept that. No matter in what way this happens.

When I was a student, I lived in a tiny flat. Once, at four o'clock in the morning, a friend who had his room in a nearby student dormitory rang the doorbell. He wanted to sleep in, he said.

What had happened? The dormitory had six corridors, maybe eight rooms in each, a kitchen, a big bathroom with showers and so on.

On his corridor, someone went into the shower at three o'clock in the morning and started singing loudly (!). After a few minutes, all the corridor residents were awake and told him to stop the noise. Singing loudly at three o'clock in the morning would disturb their sleep.

The singer's reply: "That's not acceptable at all, it's completely unacceptable. After all, he sings the Word of God as it is sung in his church. The Word of God cannot disturb at all. He would continue to sing as long as it seemed right to him. Protesting against his singing is an insult to God.
