Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 72 packages: * MozillaThunderbird * bluedevil6 * clisp * clpeak * discover6 * drkonqi6 * emacs * exfatprogs * flatpak-kcm6 * gammaray * git * kactivitymanagerd6 * kde-cli-tools6 * kde-gtk-config6 * kdecoration6 * kdeplasma6-addons * kdiff3 * kgamma6 * kglobalacceld6 * kinfocenter6 * kmenuedit6 * kpipewire6 * krdp6 * kscreen6 * kscreenlocker6 * ksshaskpass6 * ksystemstats6 * kwayland6 * kwrited6 * layer-shell-qt6 * libkscreen6 * libksysguard6 * libplasma6 * libqt5-qtdeclarative * luajit2 * milou6 * ncurses * nginx * ocean-sound-theme6 * pam_kwallet6 * pipewire * plasma5support6 * plasma6-activities * plasma6-activities-stats * plasma6-disks * plasma6-firewall * plasma6-nano * plasma6-nm * plasma6-pa * plasma6-print-manager * plasma6-sdk * plasma6-systemmonitor * plasma6-thunderbolt * plasma6-vault * plasma6-welcome * plasma6-workspace-wallpapers * plymouth-theme-breeze6 * polkit-kde-agent-6 * python-Deprecated * python-aiohttp-socks * python-dask-expr * python-line_profiler * python-mrcz * qjackctl * qt6-wayland * riff * sddm-kcm6 * swipl * systemsettings6 * tetragon * wacomtablet-kcm6 * xdg-desktop-portal-kde6