[global] ## Web site name for tab titles and bookmarks #appname = openQA ## type of branding - [ openSUSE, plain ] #branding = plain ## type and location of needle repo #scm = git ## space seaparated list of IPs or regular expressions that match IPs #allowed_hosts = ::1 ## set if you have a local repo mirror #suse_mirror = http://FIXME ## base url [default: $self->req->url->base] #base_url = http://FIXME # days for Strict-Transport-Security, 0 to not add this header # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strict-Transport-Security # hsts = 365 ## Set to 0 to disable auditing backend # audit_enabled = 1 #[scm git] #do_push = no ## Authentication method to use for user management [auth] # method = Fake|OpenID|iChain [logging] #if you use another file, remember the apparmor profile! #file = /var/log/openqa #level = debug #sql_debug = true ## Configuration for OpenID auth method #[openid] ## base url for openid provider provider = https://www.opensuse.org/openid/user/ ## enforce redirect back to https httpsonly = 0 ## Configuration for auditing plugin [audit] # disable auditing of chatty events by default blacklist = job_grab job_done