---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: ASSI <Stromeko@nexgo.de> To: Richard Brown <rbrown@suse.de> Cc: factory@lists.opensuse.org Bcc: Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 07:01:08 +0200 Subject: Re: kernel 6.3.3 breaks XFS Richard Brown writes:
That said, the redhat bug report suggests it happens with the kernel version we already have out..so maybe moving forward would be the best thing to do.
So, I thought I could get the kernel 6.2.12 back via tumbleweed-cli, but of course it's already expired (would have been in 20230422). Any other options?
Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+
Waldorf MIDI Implementation & additional documentation: http://Synth.Stromeko.net/Downloads.html#WaldorfDocs
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Emanuel Castelo <emanuel.castelo@icloud.com> To: ASSI <Stromeko@nexgo.de> Cc: Richard Brown <rbrown@suse.de>, OpenSuse-Factory <factory@lists.opensuse.org> Bcc: Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 04:40:42 -0400 Subject: Re: kernel 6.3.3 breaks XFS Btrfs snapshot assuming you have it enabled?
Can you move it forward?? I had some issue with nvidia stuff in my Leap install and I believe it was Takashi at bugzilla recommended going to the newest kernel available at the "OBS" site, selecting an "lp" kernel . . . that did work to fix the problem. Didn't see the link for it just now, I'm in Bookworm for the morning. F