My update failed. At some point when doing the installs, the system rebooted automatically. And I had a new sddm login screen, where I was expecting to see the completed zypper dup. On one display was a virtual keyboard, and on another was the sddm login. But with complaints about missing things. And a login failed, returning me back to the sddm login. The rollback failed. So I had to delete snapshots by hand to get to where I was before the attempted update. And now most of my system is read-only, even though the mounts are all rw. So, generally speaking, not a successful update. I'm now trying to see how to make the system not be read-only. The snapshot I am in is the most recent.

On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 10:44 PM Alessio Biancalana via openSUSE Factory <> wrote:
For what it’s worth I had basically the same experience as Oliver, I don’t remember if I had to just wait for the next snapshot or the next two.

From my point of view (I’m trying to just use Wayland) I had to set again the scaling factor to 200% for my 4K monitor and I noticed I have two VLCs now, one installed via zypper, one installed via flatpak. Did it become an hard dependency or what? I didn’t remember to have the zypper one before. Maybe it’s just me tho.

Apart from that, everything working pretty great on the laptop I’m using with Plasma 6. Keep it up!


> Il giorno 16 mar 2024, alle ore 10:30, Oliver Schwabedissen <> ha scritto:
> For me, the update resulted in an unusable system. I updated from snapshot 20240310 (probably not a "very old system") to snapshot 20240314. So not only from Plasma5 to Plasma6, but also from kernel 6.7.7 to kernel 6.7.9.
> As with some others, the KDE session crashed after about 2/3 of the installation. The system did not reboot but did a complete shutdown. On reboot I received several kernel error messages, presumably because the postinstall scripts could not be executed. The system booted up to a gray screen with 3 green squares. Nothing happened after that.
> I then switched to a previous snapshot (snapper rollback) and was able to start the system again.
> Since I installed the "tumbleweed" package, I was then able to perform the update step by step:
> Switch to a textmode console, init 3, tumbleweed switch 20240311, zypper dup.
> I then rebooted and repeated the procedure, this time switching to snapshot 20240313.
> Finally, do the same again with snapshot 20240314.
> After the 3rd reboot, the system started with Plasma6 without any problems. But although I had previously worked exclusively with X11 and Plasma5, I was forced to use Wayland. X11 was not available on the login screen. I therefore installed plasma6-session-x11 and can now work with X11 and Plasma6.
> Let's see what else no longer works as expected...
> Oliver
>> Am 13.03.24 um 20:41 schrieb Fabian Vogt:
>> Hi,
>> the next TW snapshot 20240311 contains KDE Plasma 6.0.1, Gear 24.02.0 and
>> Frameworks 6.0.0:
>> Plasma 5 will be replaced, it is no longer part of the repository.
>> There are a few minor issues in this snapshot found by openQA but not
>> considered severe enough to actually block the snapshot from getting
>> published. They'll all be fixed with Plasma 6.0.2 in one of the next
>> snapshots, also for those installing or upgrading now.
>> 1. For fresh installs, the GTK theme is not set correctly:
>> Workaround is to either set it manually in systemsettings or run "kded5" once
>> in a terminal or krunner.
>> 2. For upgrades (any version), the launcher icon switches to the Plasma one:
>> Workaround is to change the icon manually to "start-here-branding" for now.
>> 3. Upgrades from very old systems fail due to "libksysguard5-helper":
>> When upgrading from Leap <= 15.3, you might encounter
>>   Problem: libksysguard5-plugins-5.27.10-2.2.x86_64 requires
>>, but this requirement cannot be provided
>> As workaround, select the "deinstallation of libksysguard5-helper" option.
>> 4. Plasmashell takes 25s during start if bluetooth not available:
>> If kdeconnect-kde is installed on a system without bluetooth HW, it delays
>> Plasma start by 25s. Workaround is to disable the KDE Connect systray icon.
>> 5. The etesync resource is broken in kdepim-runtime 24.02.0. It will be back in
>> one of the next snapshots.
>> The Wayland session isn't default yet, that will have to be switched in a
>> separate step later. This also makes it possible to differentiate whether bugs
>> are more likely caused by Plasma 6 itself or the Wayland session.
>> Have a lot of fun,
>> the openSUSE KDE packaging team
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Roger Oberholtzer