pallas wept changed bug 1216842
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Comment # 8 on bug 1216842 from pallas wept
(In reply to pallas wept from comment #7)
> It's been 5 months and I haven't heard a word, except from you telling me it
> could not be reproduced

Which I do appreciate, by the way, since as far as I'm aware (which doesn't
make it a fact, but the fact is that it is all I am aware of), your few minutes
testing this are the only time or effort invested even attempting to look into
this in the entire 5 months. So at least I know that you *tried* - so thanks
for that.

But I gave you those reproduction processes to bypass my machine as a factor,
and you went silent. You were my only hope, and now I have none. 

I feel like there is an off-the-record agreement that nobody will look into my
issues and they will all be resolved as duplicates of this bug to be ignored
forever, because I am new to bugzilla and filed my first two cases according to
outdated documentation of how to file them, and because I did it wrong, and
presented a difficult issue, I have become an annoyance and must be punished
for eternity.

This really sucks, and it isn't a cool way to treat people. I respect that you
are all busy, but 5 months without a word goes beyond "I'm busy" to "I'm
deliberately ignoring you".

I've re-opened the other case because it is NOT a duplicate of this one, it's a
separate bug filed against a separate project, intentionally, and since you are
not talking to me, and nobody is, no reason has been given by anyone to suggest
that there is any reason to close that one.

If anything, from a technical perspective (since the issue DOES exist in plasma
wayland, and also NOT in suse's firefox package), closing this bug as a
duplicate of that one, seems to make more sense at the moment. Since you
obviously have no desire or intention to interact with me, perhaps doing that
and leaving it to another team might suit you better, too.

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