
Just wanted to announce this work in progress: http://resources.centralmanclc.com - we'll be adding a few new things to this over the next few days, including a rather neat PHP web content management system (I know, I know, another one...) which will be used to create the next, less boring version of the site.

If anyone wants to host some stuff on the site, let me know. We have "quite a lot" of bandwidth...

Some of you might be tempted to click on the Hobarte link, wondering what it's all about. Hobarte will be the subject of another email, quite soon (and I keep saying that, too).

Those still running Windows on their networks might find the VisualAssist application extremely useful (assuming visually impaired people are integrated into your various national education systems). I hope everyone finds the politics of its funding interesting. :-)


Chris Puttick
IT Manager
Central Manchester City Learning Centre
+44 (0)161 212 1972