On Wednesday 17 March 2004 15:53, Seb James wrote:
On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 15:30, adrian.wells wrote:
Thanks, I'll take a look (walks acroos campus...)
Are there any web based ones available since we're all windowy here. Just had the sims/.net sales people sniffing about! Hows the schools project going, is anyone using it?
I've heard that something like this is being developed at Skegness Grammar school. Not sure if it has been open sourced yet, but I believe the intention may have been to do so. That's Garry Saddington doing that. He has based it on Plone and I've seen an early version of it running.
Parts of it are in use at Skegness Grammar see www.scholarpack.org for some details. I am still actively developing this to be a complete MIS for schools, not a modular thing that extorts money at each purchase . It is designed from the ground up around a MySQL database schema nad users Zope and XML technologies to handle all government requirements (CTF,CBDS and PlASC) simply - there is a large PDF to follow for SIMS! My present job is not giving me much time for development and so if any offers are forthcoming I may be tempted! regards garry
We'd like to be involved in developing or improving this sort of application and have contacts with a couple of schools who are also interested in a SIMS alternative.
Would you or anyone else be interested in funding continued development on an Open Source SIMS alternative?
Seb James -- Managing Director, Educational Systems, Hypercube Systems Ltd Providing Open Source ICT solutions for schools. Tel: 0845 458 0277 Web: www.hypercubesystems.co.uk Mob: 07900 958964 Email: seb@hypercubesystems.co.uk