Hello, Perhaps I can lend assistance?? Firstly, how are things Azrael?? Are you still using "squidlog"?? As far as Acrobat Reader and Adobe in general, I am inclind to agree with Azrael here. There are many alternatives. You can for example, use the "pdf2ps" converter, so that the PDF document can be converted to postscript, which can then be viewed using "gv" (ghostscript), which has the advantage of allowing one to view the converted file either from the console or from X. The only drawback with using Adobe Acrobat reader, is that one needs X to view the document. As for password protection.......the article suggested by Azrael, is informative enough. I hope this has enabled some in-sight for you. Regards, Thomas Adam (I must change this signature sometime) --- Azrael Angel Of Death <psuedo_azrael@hotmail.com> wrote: > >Exactly. What I'm saying is that it would be very
difficult for Acrobat
5.0 to be "improved" such that it choked on non-Adobe-generated files *without* breaking some genuine Adobe-generated files. As long as your non-proprietary PDFs had kept rigorously to the PDF spec' even the most perverse Adobe programmer would have his work cut out to make Acrobat 5.0 choke on these and not on the proprietary ones made at great expense by Adobe customers.
Frankly I don't see why anyone uses Adobe's stuff anyway as there are truly free alternatives...
As other pdf-viewing programs can actually bypass the password protection. How would said company respond to their passworded pdf being easily read and edited by third party software?
Ask this guy:
*nods* Yeah.. I read that article and it is interesting... the DMCA definatly makes things more.. hmm.. interesting...
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