Sorry Gary, that link didn't seem to work -- got a 404
I must say it is great to find there is so much support for linux in schools in this country -- It really is a boon to me to know that others have submitted non-Access based CW and succeeded.
I had a look at KNoda, and it looks like a good piece of kit.
You have all opened up many paths of investigation to me, now i'll be busy ferreting away for weeks!!
Thanks again for all the feedback.

garry saddington <> wrote:
On Thursday 13 May 2004 5:23 pm, Paul Jensen wrote:
> Hi Garry.
> As a A-level student I did ICT at Sharnbrook Upper School in Beds, and we
> were taught along the lines of "do an Excel or Access solution", and given
> books which taught us how to do solutions using these apps.
> It's nice to hear that you're able to use different packages for the
> coursework, I just wonder though how good the quality of the courseworks
> are, as the AQA marking seems to be predicated on how good (advanced) the
> solution is, where really I think it should be about how well the solution
> meets the needs of the end user.
> Saying that, the books I was given were by P.M.Heathcote, and I think they
> were published by Galloway press. It would be great to adapt the material
> for students doing other projects.

I am an AQA moderator and I can assure all here that credit is certainly given
for any work the student does. I have had some excellent projects (my
students) using Knoda and some rubbish. The difference between Knoda and
Access is that Access has so many frills that it is time consuming to spot an
un-workable solution whereas in Knoda it is quicky obvious where the solution
is inadequate. Access obscures the true nature of a useful database design
from the student and so is to be avoided at all cost for training purposes
and also for all other purposes!

I am attempting to do exactly what you suggest but with OpenOffice in the
database starter's guide: Guides/


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