On Wed 09 Jul, Richard Rothwell wrote:
Is there anyone out there who has rigged Linux box to authenticate off an NT server? We have stumbled around and can work out how to use either Samba or SMB PAM. Neither can we find a decent Howto.
The SAMBA documentation is not bad - as far as it goes. I followed it and windbind works to the extent that the LINUX box sees the users - and computers. Now different people want different things. I want to continue using our NT domain server (which is part of a trusted domain - part of our administration - and trusted domains is not yet supported by Linux). I'd like to allow users to be able to logon to linux with their NT usernames and passwords and have homedirectories automatically assigned to where they are on a SAMBA (currently NT) share. I'd also like to run a mailserver on Linux which authenticates off NT - so I don't have to recreate usernames and passwords - nor keep them matched. Where I would agree with you is the documenation of PAM authenication modules which seem to assume from the start that you understand everything. Examples that are useful and comprehensible would seem to be non existant - and if you get to bold you lock yourself out of everything failry easily! Its not clear what mail software uses pam authentication. -- Alan Davies Head of Computing Birkenhead School