Firstly - I apologise if this appears twice. In experimenting with a new mailserver -as
well as the old, I may not have picked up mail on the correct sever to verify if it worked.
I am trying to connect PC clients to the linux mailserver using pop3 and imap.
(I like imap, but have previously used non encrypted passwords)
Doen't seem to matter what i select in Outlook Express setup I either get the
username/password rejected - or it doesn't support the connection method.
I have used the run level editor to get smtp, smtpd, pop3, pop2 and imap running - although
I can't see anything in ps-A
Used sysconfig bit of yast to setup the odd line in postfix and checked that mail goes out and comes
into our linux box via external connection - which it does.
Where should I start looking? (apart from another job as a golf green keeper)
Alan Davies
Head of Computing
Birkenhead School