Where I work we have a room of Apple Mac (performa I think) computers. Afaik We have a mac server,  the rest of the site is on WinNT (I think) along with NT work stations,  I think the plan is to get the macs to talk to the rest of the network. so they can surf the net or allow the users to save their work to the main server.  
According to one of the technicians (I help him with cabling etc),  the TCP/IP can also talk appletalk,  I am not sure about this but I have read that it's possible to stick a linux box in between the two systems.As Linux can talk and understand both it can act as a I would guess a translator or whatever the correct term is,  allowing both to co-exist, (someone in the US did this a few years ago,  I can't seem to find the write up though).
If it's possible I could have a go, as there seems to be quite a lot of old kit lying around so we could make use of it,  as it should not need a super duper computer to do this,  just something low powered with a nice amount of ram (for linux anything 16mb + I guess).
As I said,  I not sure about how well TCP/IP and appletalk communicate,  Looking through my sams TYS tcp/ip in 24 hrs I can't see any references to appletalk,  so it's either not supported or needs some sort of extentions or something.
Has anyone got any experience of this,  I will have a look on the LDP site, and on the net,  any advice would be great,  I can then propose to one ot the techs about this.