Hi, I am trying to use files for different control lists. The example in the user guide is : snip ------ Large decision lists can be stored in files, so that your squid.conf doesn't get cluttered. Some of the caches I have worked on have had in the region of 2000 lines of acl rules, which could lead to a very cluttered squid.conf file. You can include a file into the decision section of an acl list by placing the filename (with path) in double quotes. The file simply contains the data set; one datum per line. In the next example the file /usr/local/squid/conf/data/myNets can contain any number of IP ranges, one range per line. Example 7-6. acl myNets src "/usr/local/squid/conf/data/myNets" acl all src http_access allow myNets http_access deny all snip ----- and that is working. but try as I might I cannot seem to get any other list to work. Are other types possible or am I just being dense, as usual? If there are can someone show me the syntax please? tia norman