Hi, On Monday 29 May 2006 11:21, Anders Norrbring wrote:
------- [1] https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/novdoc/trunk/xslt/db2mediawiki
I'll take a look at it! Thanks a lot.. :) I saw before me that I had to edit 3000 lines manually.. Gah..
Hehe. :) Depending on your DocBook source you will find bugs in the output (well it's alpha). At the moment it is not very well documented and it relies somewhat on openSUSE Wiki page. For example, admonition boxes like tip, warning, etc. are build through a openSUSE Wiki template. That simplifies the transformation process a lot. If you need more info just ask. :-) Have fun, Tom -- Thomas Schraitle ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX Products GmbH >o) Technical Editor Maxfeldstrasse 5 /\\ Documentation Team 90409 Nuernberg, Germany _\_v http://www.opensuse.org