

Thursday and Monday were defined as "soft day" in order to tell us when to arrive and leave. We have been working under that assumption since right before Christmas when, before the announcement was done, this design was made clear through this mailing list.


Please check the thread:



So we are arriving on Thursday and leaving on Monday ... with all the consequences that decision have, following the advice.


One of those consequences is that we are bringing material that is under our responsibility so we should make sure it is shipped back by us. We won't leave our material behind. We cannot for obvious reasons.


What can we do about it?


Not all the material we are sending will come back. I need to figure out, besides the video setup, what other services would be affected. I assume that the openSUSE booth might be partially affected too. I will try to get more details about this.


The only way I will leave the material until Tuesday is if:

1.- A SUSE employee takes under his responsibility the shipment back of all the material.

2.- This person is found before the shipment is done, so we do not need to change the conditions of the shipment.


I will look for that person.


I understand this is not good news and, as I said, we will work on a solution but I think that assigning SUSE any responsibility or some kind of "mood for sabotage" is unfair. Things like budget, traveling dates, etc. were set many months ago, not recently.



> If you guys didn't want Monday to be a conference day you could just

> tell us, less work for everyone and especially the organizing team, I

> am giving away my time and my days off from my actual work and

> personal vacations and you tell me now something that I hear as bla

> bla bla. If we cannot record the talks and workshops we are simply

> showing the finger to the people that will do that talks and workshops

> that day and all that because someone said that things have to be

> packed one day earlier, excuse me but I find that ridiculous. C'mon

> people, thinking outside the box is what we do best. For me if we

> cannot have recordings on Monday let's just cancel the talks on that

> day. I apreciate every single person who will come to the conference

> and I prefer to cut Monday than let the people who have a talk or a

> workshop think that I don't apreciate them. I am a volunteer and if I

> were one of those people I would prefer that than to have the feeling

> that I am underestimated.

> We are planning talks and workshops for more that a month now

> including Monday and everybody knows that, when was that planning for

> stuff leaving Monday morning was made? Yesterday that we talked that

> was not the plan Afaik.

> This is all my personal opinion and I am willing to carry my part of

> the responsibility here.

> Kostas




> --

> --- \m/ ---

> http://opensuse.gr http://os-el.gr

> http://amb.opensuse.gr http://www.kde.gr

> http://warlordfff.tk

> --- \m/ ---

> me I am not I

> --- \m/ ---

> Time travel is possible, you just need to know the right aliens


Agustin Benito Bethencourt

openSUSE Team Lead at SUSE
