commit mathgl for openSUSE:Factory

Hello community, here is the log from the commit of package mathgl for openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2012-12-30 12:19:29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/mathgl (Old) and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ (New) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Package is "mathgl", Maintainer is "" Changes: -------- --- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/mathgl/mathgl.changes 2012-12-03 16:38:07.000000000 +0100 +++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ 2012-12-30 12:19:32.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,0 +2,32 @@ +Mon Dec 24 12:32:37 UTC 2012 - + +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * bugfix release, see included ChangeLog.txt for details + * removed obsolete mathgl-rpath.patch + * updated mathgl-libpath.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 19 11:15:44 UTC 2012 - + +- Update rpath patch + * mathgl-rpath.patch + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wed Dec 19 07:54:15 UTC 2012 - + +- Add fltk-fluid for fedora +- Recommends tag conditional on suse versions + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Fri Dec 14 06:11:29 UTC 2012 - + +- Update to version 2.1 + * see ChangeLog.txt for details +- Set correct path to documentation directory + * udav-help-path.patch +- Disable rpath + * mathgl-rpath.patch +- Update other patches +- Delete SLE-specific things from spec file + +------------------------------------------------------------------- Old: ---- mathgl-2.0.3.tar.gz New: ---- mathgl-2.1.1.tar.gz udav-help-path.patch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Other differences: ------------------ ++++++ mathgl.spec ++++++ --- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_old 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 +++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_new 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -20,28 +20,29 @@ %{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")} Name: mathgl -Version: 2.0.3 +%define libname lib%{name} +Version: 2.1.1 Release: 0 +%define somajor 7 Summary: Cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific graphics License: GPL-3.0 Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other Url: Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM mathgl-fltk.patch -- Correct typo in fltk's include statements +# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM mathgl-fltk.patch -- Correct typo in fltk's include statements Patch0: mathgl-fltk.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM mathgl-libpath.patch -- Allow setting installed libraries location using a cmake variable +# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM mathgl-libpath.patch -- Allow setting installed libraries location using a cmake variable Patch1: mathgl-libpath.patch -# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch -- Make python modules install in subdirectories of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT during make install +# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch -- Make python modules install arch-depended Patch2: mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch # PATCH-FEATURE-UPSTREAM mathgl-examples-install.patch -- Enable examples install Patch3: mathgl-examples-install.patch # PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE mathgl-doc-path.patch -- Locate documentation to right place Patch4: mathgl-doc-path.patch +# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE udav-help-path.patch -- fix path to documentation directory +Patch5: udav-help-path.patch BuildRequires: cmake -# mathgl's fltk bindings do not build on openSUSE 12.1 and lower -%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1210 BuildRequires: fltk-devel -%endif BuildRequires: freeglut-devel BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: giflib-devel @@ -52,29 +53,21 @@ BuildRequires: libqt4-devel BuildRequires: libtiff-devel BuildRequires: libtool -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 BuildRequires: octave-devel -%endif +# BuildRequires: openmpi-devel BuildRequires: python-devel BuildRequires: python-numpy-devel BuildRequires: swig BuildRequires: texinfo BuildRequires: texlive-latex -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1140 BuildRequires: wxWidgets-devel %define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0 %define __find_requires %wx_requires -%else -BuildRequires: wxGTK-devel -%endif -%if 0%{?sles_version} -BuildRequires: update-desktop-files -%endif + BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build -%if 0%{?suse_version} -Recommends: %{name}-doc -%endif + %if 0%{?fedora_version} +BuildRequires: fltk-fluid BuildRequires: libXmu-devel BuildRequires: texi2html BuildRequires: texinfo-tex @@ -88,12 +81,25 @@ into other programs. Mathgl integrates into fltk, qt and opengl applications. -%package devel +%package -n %{libname}%{somajor} +Summary: Cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific graphics +Group: System/Libraries +Requires: %{name}-fonts + +%description -n %{libname}%{somajor} +Mathgl is a cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific +graphics. It provides fast data plotting and handling of large data +arrays, as well as window and console modes and for easy embedding +into other programs. Mathgl integrates into fltk, qt and +opengl applications. +%package devel Summary: Libraries and header files for %{name} library -Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ -Requires: %{name} = %{version} -Requires: gsl-devel +Group: Development/Libraries/Other +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} +%if 0%{?suse_version} +Recommends: %{name}-doc +%endif %description devel Mathgl is a cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific @@ -105,11 +111,26 @@ This package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use mathgl. -%package examples +%package tools +Summary: Command line tools for %{name} library +Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} + +%description tools +This package contains command line tools for making high-quality scientific graphics. +%package fonts +Summary: Fonts for %{name} library +Group: System/X11/Fonts +BuildArch: noarch + +%description fonts +This package contains command fonts for mathgl library. + +%package examples Summary: Examples for %{name} library Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other -Requires: %{name} = %{version} +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} %description examples Mathgl is a cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific @@ -121,13 +142,10 @@ This package contains examples of using mathgl. %package doc - Summary: Documentation for %{name} Group: Documentation/Other -Requires: %{name} = %{version} -%if 0%{?sles_version} == 0 +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} BuildArch: noarch -%endif %description doc Mathgl is a cross-platform library for making high-quality scientific @@ -139,10 +157,9 @@ This package provides the documentation for mathgl. %package -n python-mathgl - Summary: Libraries and header files for %{name} library Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other -Requires: %{name} = %{version} +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} Requires: python-base %description -n python-mathgl @@ -154,12 +171,10 @@ This package provides the python bindings for mathgl. -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 %package -n octave-mathgl - Summary: Octave interface for %{name} library Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other -Requires: %{name} = %{version} +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} Requires: octave %description -n octave-mathgl @@ -170,16 +185,18 @@ opengl applications. This package provides octave interface for mathgl. -%endif %package -n udav - -Summary: Libraries and header files for %{name} library +Summary: Data handling and plotting tool Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other -Requires: %{name} = %{version} +Requires: %{libname}%{somajor} = %{version} %description -n udav -This package provides the udav application for mathgl. +UDAV is cross-platform program for data arrays visualization based +on MathGL library. It support wide spectrum of graphics, +simple script language and visual data handling and editing. It has +window interface for data viewing, changing and plotting.Also it +can execute MGL scripts, setup and rotate graphics and so on. %prep @@ -189,163 +206,127 @@ %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 +%patch5 -p1 + # Correct octave-mathgl version sed -i 's/2.0/%{version}/' lang/DESCRIPTION -#Correct location of numpy/arrayobject.h header file +# Correct location of numpy/arrayobject.h header file numpy_h=%{python_sitearch}/numpy/core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h -sed -i "s|<numpy/arrayobject.h>|\"${numpy_h}\"|" lang/ +sed -i "s|<numpy/arrayobject.h>|\"${numpy_h}\"|" lang/numpy.i -#convert EOL encodings, maintaining timestames +# convert EOL encodings, maintaining timestames sed -i 's/\r$//' AUTHORS README %build -cmake \\\ +cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{_prefix} \ -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_lib} \ - -Denable-pthread=on \ + -Denable-double=on \ + -Denable-mpi=off \ + -Denable-pthread=off \ -Denable-gsl=on \ -Denable-jpeg=on \ + -Denable-png=on \ + -Denable-zlib=on \ -Denable-pdf=off \ -Denable-gif=on \ - -Denable-hdf5_18=on \ + -Denable-hdf5=on \ -Denable-opengl=on \ -Denable-glut=on \ - -Denable-wx=on \ - -Denable-qt=on \ - -Denable-python=on \ -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 - -Denable-octave=on \ -%endif -%if 0%{?sles_version} - -Denable-doc=off \ -%else - -Denable-doc=on \ -%endif -%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1210 -Denable-fltk=on \ -%else - -Denable-fltk=off \ -%endif - . - -cmake \\\ - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{_prefix} \ - -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{_lib} \ - -Denable-pthread=on \ - -Denable-gsl=on \ - -Denable-jpeg=on \ - -Denable-pdf=off \ - -Denable-gif=on \ - -Denable-hdf5_18=on \ - -Denable-opengl=on \ - -Denable-glut=on \ -Denable-wx=on \ -Denable-qt=on \ -Denable-python=on \ -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 -Denable-octave=on \ -%endif -%if 0%{?sles_version} - -Denable-doc=off \ -%else + -Denable-octave-install=off \ -Denable-doc=on \ -%endif -%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1210 - -Denable-fltk=on \ -%else - -Denable-fltk=off \ -%endif . -# Parallel make fails -make +make %{?_smp_mflags} %install -%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} < 1120 -%makeinstall DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -%else -%make_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -%endif +%make_install +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:%{buildroot}%{_libdir} # Install octave-mathgl -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/octave/packages mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/octave/packages -export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{buildroot}%{_libdir}/" octave --eval "pkg prefix %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/octave/packages %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/octave/packages; pkg install lang/%{name}.tar.gz" rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/octave/packages/*/packinfo/.autoload -%endif +# remove octave module archive +rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/%{name}.tar.gz # Remove static library files rm %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/*.a -%if 0%{?sles_version} -%suse_update_desktop_file UDAV -G "Data handling and plotting tool" -%endif - # Install docs -%if 0%{?sles_version} -install -d %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/ -%endif install -m 644 {AUTHORS,ChangeLog.txt,README,COPYING} %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/ -%post -/sbin/ldconfig -%install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/*.info.gz - -%postun -/sbin/ldconfig -%install_info_delete --info-dir=%_infodir %{_infodir}/*.info.gz +%post doc +%install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name} +%install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name} +%install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name} + +%postun doc +%install_info_delete --info-dir=%_infodir %{_infodir}/%{name} +%install_info_delete --info-dir=%_infodir %{_infodir}/%{name} +%install_info_delete --info-dir=%_infodir %{_infodir}/%{name} + +%post -n %{libname}%{somajor} -p /sbin/ldconfig + +%postun -n %{libname}%{somajor} -p /sbin/ldconfig -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 %post -n octave-mathgl octave -qf --eval "pkg rebuild -auto mathgl" %postun -n octave-mathgl octave -qf --eval "pkg rebuild" -%endif -%files +%files -n %{libname}%{somajor} +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_libdir}/*.so.%{somajor}* + +%files fonts +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_datadir}/%{name}/ + +%files devel +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_includedir}/mgl2/ +%{_libdir}/*.so + +%files tools %defattr(-,root,root) -%{_libdir}/*.so.* %{_bindir}/mglconv %{_bindir}/mglview -%{_datadir}/%{name}/ -%if 0%{?sles_version} == 0 -%{_infodir}/*.gz +%{_bindir}/mgl.cgi %{_mandir}/man1/*.gz %{_mandir}/man5/*.gz -%endif - -%files -n udav -%defattr(-,root,root) -%{_bindir}/udav -%{_datadir}/pixmaps/udav.png -%{_datadir}/applications/UDAV.desktop %files doc %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/mathgl/ +%{_infodir}/%{name}*.gz %files examples %defattr(-,root,root) %{_bindir}/mgl*example -%files devel -%defattr(-,root,root) -%{_includedir}/mgl2/ -%{_libdir}/*.so - %files -n python-mathgl %defattr(-,root,root) %{python_sitearch}/* -%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1210 %files -n octave-mathgl %defattr(-,root,root) -%{_datadir}/octave/packages/%{name}-%{version}/ -%{_libdir}/octave/packages/%{name}-%{version}/ -%endif +%{_datadir}/octave/packages/%{name}-*/ +%{_libdir}/octave/packages/%{name}-*/ + +%files -n udav +%defattr(-,root,root) +%{_bindir}/udav +%{_datadir}/pixmaps/udav.png +%{_datadir}/applications/udav.desktop +%{_datadir}/udav/ %changelog ++++++ mathgl-2.0.3.tar.gz -> mathgl-2.1.1.tar.gz ++++++ ++++ 80773 lines of diff (skipped) ++++++ mathgl-doc-path.patch ++++++ --- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_old 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 +++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_new 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ ---- mathgl-2.0.3.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2012-07-27 11:27:38.000000000 +0400 -+++ mathgl-2.0.3/CMakeLists.txt 2012-10-17 22:47:45.903307259 +0400 -@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ +Index: mathgl-2.1/CMakeLists.txt +=================================================================== +--- mathgl-2.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt ++++ mathgl-2.1/CMakeLists.txt +@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ endif(WIN32) if(NOT WIN32) set(MGL_DATA_PATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/mathgl") ++++++ mathgl-examples-install.patch ++++++ --- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_old 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 +++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_new 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,14 +1,11 @@ -diff -Pdpru mathgl-2.0.3.orig/examples/CMakeLists.txt mathgl-2.0.3/examples/CMakeLists.txt ---- mathgl-2.0.3.orig/examples/CMakeLists.txt 2012-07-27 11:27:15.000000000 +0400 -+++ mathgl-2.0.3/examples/CMakeLists.txt 2012-08-20 23:08:42.239622224 +0400 -@@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ endif(MGL_HAVE_GSL) +Index: mathgl-2.1/examples/CMakeLists.txt +=================================================================== +--- mathgl-2.1.orig/examples/CMakeLists.txt ++++ mathgl-2.1/examples/CMakeLists.txt +@@ -4,21 +4,37 @@ endif(MGL_HAVE_GSL) - add_executable(mgl_example wnd_samples.cpp full_test.cpp) + add_executable(mgl_example wnd_samples.cpp full_test.cpp samples.cpp) target_link_libraries(mgl_example mgl) --# install( --# TARGETS mgl_example --# RUNTIME DESTINATION bin --# ) +install( + TARGETS mgl_example + RUNTIME DESTINATION bin @@ -16,12 +13,8 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_FLTK) add_executable(mgl_fltk_example wnd_samples.cpp fltk_example.cpp) - target_link_libraries(mgl_fltk_example mgl-wnd) --# install( --# TARGETS mgl_fltk_example --# RUNTIME DESTINATION bin --# ) -+ install( + target_link_libraries(mgl_fltk_example mgl-fltk) ++ install( + TARGETS mgl_fltk_example + RUNTIME DESTINATION bin + ) @@ -30,11 +23,7 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_GLUT) add_executable(mgl_glut_example wnd_samples.cpp glut_example.cpp) target_link_libraries(mgl_glut_example mgl-glut) --# install( --# TARGETS mgl_glut_example --# RUNTIME DESTINATION bin --# ) -+ install( ++ install( + TARGETS mgl_glut_example + RUNTIME DESTINATION bin + ) @@ -43,27 +32,19 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_WX) include(${wxWidgets_USE_FILE}) add_executable(mgl_wx_example wnd_samples.cpp wx_example.cpp) - target_link_libraries(mgl_wx_example ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} mgl-wnd) --# install( --# TARGETS mgl_wx_example --# RUNTIME DESTINATION bin --# ) -+ install( + target_link_libraries(mgl_wx_example mgl-wx) ++ install( + TARGETS mgl_wx_example + RUNTIME DESTINATION bin + ) endif(MGL_HAVE_WX) if(MGL_HAVE_QT) -@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_QT) +@@ -26,4 +42,8 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_QT) qt_wrap_cpp(mgl_qt_example MGL_MOC_EX_FILES ../include/mgl2/qt.h) add_executable(mgl_qt_example wnd_samples.cpp qt_example.cpp ${MGL_MOC_EX_FILES}) - target_link_libraries(mgl_qt_example mgl-wnd ${QT_LIBRARIES}) --# install( --# TARGETS mgl_qt_example --# RUNTIME DESTINATION bin --# ) -+ install( + target_link_libraries(mgl_qt_example mgl-qt) ++ install( + TARGETS mgl_qt_example + RUNTIME DESTINATION bin + ) ++++++ mathgl-fix-python-module-path.patch ++++++ --- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_old 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 +++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_new 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -Index: mathgl-2.0/lang/CMakeLists.txt +Index: mathgl-2.1/lang/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== ---- mathgl-2.0.orig/lang/CMakeLists.txt -+++ mathgl-2.0/lang/CMakeLists.txt -@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_PYTHON) - WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lang - ) - add_custom_target(mgl_python_module ALL DEPENDS -- install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lang/ install --prefix=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lang )") -+ install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lang/ install --prefix=${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} --root=\$ENV{DESTDIR} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lang )") - set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "mgl_wrap.cpp;build;mathgl.pyc") - endif(MGL_HAVE_PYTHON) - +--- mathgl-2.1.orig/lang/CMakeLists.txt ++++ mathgl-2.1/lang/CMakeLists.txt +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(mathgl.i num + if(MGL_HAVE_PYTHON) + include_directories(${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR}) + execute_process( +- COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(prefix='${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}')" ++ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib(get_python_lib(1),prefix='${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}')" + OUTPUT_VARIABLE MGL_PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES + OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) + set(SWIG_MODULE_mathgl_EXTRA_DEPS numpy.i ${src_imp_dep}) ++++++ mathgl-fltk.patch ++++++ --- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_old 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 +++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_new 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -Index: mathgl-2.0/include/mgl2/fltk.h +Index: mathgl-2.1/include/mgl2/fltk.h =================================================================== ---- mathgl-2.0.orig/include/mgl2/fltk.h -+++ mathgl-2.0/include/mgl2/fltk.h -@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ +--- mathgl-2.1.orig/include/mgl2/fltk.h ++++ mathgl-2.1/include/mgl2/fltk.h +@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ public: #endif #include <FL/Fl.H> ++++++ mathgl-libpath.patch ++++++ --- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_old 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 +++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.WXsilS/_new 2012-12-30 12:19:34.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,37 +1,13 @@ -Index: mathgl-2.0/src/CMakeLists.txt +Index: mathgl-2.1.1/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== ---- mathgl-2.0.orig/src/CMakeLists.txt -+++ mathgl-2.0/src/CMakeLists.txt -@@ -102,6 +102,6 @@ set_target_properties(mgl PROPERTIES SOV - install( - TARGETS mgl mgl-static - RUNTIME DESTINATION bin -- ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib -- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib -+ ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} -+ LIBRARY DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - ) -Index: mathgl-2.0/widgets/CMakeLists.txt -=================================================================== ---- mathgl-2.0.orig/widgets/CMakeLists.txt -+++ mathgl-2.0/widgets/CMakeLists.txt -@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ if(MGL_HAVE_GLUT) - install( - TARGETS mgl-glut mgl-glut-static - RUNTIME DESTINATION bin -- ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib -- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib -+ ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} -+ LIBRARY DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - ) - endif(MGL_HAVE_GLUT) +--- mathgl-2.1.1.orig/CMakeLists.txt ++++ mathgl-2.1.1/CMakeLists.txt +@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ set(MathGL_VERSION_MINOR 1.1) + + include(CMakeDependentOption) + +-set(MGL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "lib" CACHE STRING "Set library install directory") ++set(MGL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} CACHE STRING "Set library install directory") -@@ -81,6 +81,6 @@ endif(MGL_HAVE_QT) - install( - TARGETS mgl-wnd mgl-wnd-static - RUNTIME DESTINATION bin -- ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib -- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib -+ ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} -+ LIBRARY DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} - ) + option(enable-double "Enable double precision in MathGL library" ON) + option(enable-simple "Slightly increase drawing speed but disable mglDataA class") ++++++ udav-help-path.patch ++++++ Index: mathgl-2.1/udav/udav_wnd.h =================================================================== --- mathgl-2.1.orig/udav/udav_wnd.h +++ mathgl-2.1/udav/udav_wnd.h @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ #ifdef WIN32 #define MGL_DOC_DIR "" #else -#define MGL_DOC_DIR "/usr/local/share/doc/mathgl/" +#define MGL_DOC_DIR "/usr/share/doc/packages/mathgl/" #endif #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
participants (1)