Hello, I'm using a local obs server and got a problem with package signing. I tried this guideline https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Signer, but it's outdated and after a few workarounds like coping files from ~/.gnupg/* to /srv/obs/gnupg/ got this message [11882] signer exiting... [12254] signer started waiting for an event... signing x86_64/*** Connection refused sign failed: 256 - checking digest /srv/obs/jobs/x86_64/***.src.rpm: digests OK sign failed: sign /srv/obs/jobs/x86_64/***src.rpm failed sign -k returning key perfectly also, I tried to use obs_admin --update-project-signing-key project ./key.pgp.pub ./_signkey and got error no secret key BR, Ivan

On Montag, 20. März 2023, 20:52:30 CET Ivan Ekimov wrote:
Hello, I'm using a local obs server and got a problem with package signing. I tried this guideline https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Signer, but it's outdated and after a few workarounds like coping files from ~/.gnupg/* to /srv/obs/gnupg/ got this message [11882] signer exiting... [12254] signer started waiting for an event... signing x86_64/*** Connection refused
your local signd is running and accepts requests? (signd, not obs signer)
sign failed: 256 - checking digest /srv/obs/jobs/x86_64/***.src.rpm: digests OK sign failed: sign /srv/obs/jobs/x86_64/***src.rpm failed
Otherwise, does this work cp /etc/fstab . sign fstab ? If yes, your src.rpm may be broken or in a not working format... -- Adrian Schroeter <adrian@suse.de> Build Infrastructure Project Manager SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH, Frankenstraße 146, 90461 Nürnberg, Germany (HRB 36809, AG Nürnberg) Geschäftsführer: Ivo Totev

Hi, Thanks for the reply. Now I’m using obs_admin --update-project-signing-key with a key generated by sign -g , it's working fine. I tried to replicate the issue I faced, but unfortunately, I cannot get the message again and during my try to replicate the issue, I signed the package with signer, no issue. Also, I found an issue with obs_admin help, it's printing this line "cat key.pgp.sec.gpg | od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d ' ' > _signkey" It should be "cat key.pgp.sec.gpg | od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d ' \n' > _signkey" BR, Ivan

Hi, if anything, it should be: "od -A n -v -t x1 key.pgp.sec.gpg | tr -d ' \n' > _signkey" the usage of "cat" is 100% superfluously and an unnecessary waste of resources. BR/DO ________________________________ From: Ivan Ekimov <xcubikx@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 13:47 To: buildservice@lists.opensuse.org <buildservice@lists.opensuse.org> Subject: EXT:Re: package signing Hi, Thanks for the reply. Now I’m using obs_admin --update-project-signing-key with a key generated by sign -g , it's working fine. I tried to replicate the issue I faced, but unfortunately, I cannot get the message again and during my try to replicate the issue, I signed the package with signer, no issue. Also, I found an issue with obs_admin help, it's printing this line "cat key.pgp.sec.gpg | od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d ' ' > _signkey" It should be "cat key.pgp.sec.gpg | od -A n -v -t x1 | tr -d ' \n' > _signkey" BR, Ivan DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH • Am DFS-Campus • 63225 Langen • Tel.: +49 6103 707-0 • Sitz der Gesellschaft: Langen/Hessen • Zuständiges Registergericht: AG Offenbach am Main, HRB 34977 • Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: Antje Geese • Geschäftsführung: Arndt Schoenemann (Vors.), Dirk Mahns, Friedrich-Wilhelm Menge, Andrea Wächter • www.dfs.de<http://www.dfs.de> Sollten Sie nicht der richtige Empfänger dieser E-Mail sein, löschen Sie diese bitte.
participants (3)
Adrian Schröter
Ivan Ekimov
Olsson, Dennis