Adrian Schröter wrote:
Am Samstag, 1. August 2009 22:35:52 schrieb David Greaves:
Use buildtype instead of expecting a dependency on debhelper
patch against 7788:
http://gitorious.org/mer/osc/commit/184edb3778baf4264b84afd83887b7ea23dfaae 7
Can you please send a diff directly ? The patch created from the web patch leads to errors here. (and yes, I am too lazy ;) Sure.
OK, I did a vanilla svn checkout and a diff -ru ... visually it appears the same.
Just by looking at the patch, should the buildtype not get a default ? It's validated on line 250 and only influence pacsuffix which defaults to rpm.
I've just added a default and some class validation in keeping with the other parameters though. David -- "Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."