On Tue, Apr 01, Peter Pöml wrote:
Today I've built a rpm package in buildserver but is actually a postfix plugin. Well, it creates a socket daemon that can be used by other clients, but the problem here is that the (user:group) is (postfix:postfix). I guess it is no hard to change this permission stuff for other MTA. [...]
When trying to build the package, I could not to compile a shared lib, so the binaries are still linked statically and no libraries in it till the moment.
Okay, good to know.
Should you build the library later, you can let me know and I can see if I can use it (for Exim) as well.
Postfix/server:mail maintainers, do you want to move Guillermos plugin to server:mail?
As nobody else seems to care, I say I've no problem to move that plugin to server:mail, although I am just a member of server:mail but do not have any time to maintain those packages since ages anymore. -- With best regards, Carsten Hoeger