Hi Adrian:
Sounds good.  I in no way want to add any additional work on you guys, I was just wondering when they will be available - and I think the system has been working fairly well, despite its alpha state :-)
Keep up the good work!

From: Adrian Schröter [mailto:adrian@suse.de]
Sent: Wed 31/05/2006 09:34
To: opensuse-buildservice@opensuse.org
Subject: Re: [opensuse-buildservice] Fedora Extras

Am Wednesday 31 May 2006 18:24 schrieb Bernard Li:
> That's fair enough... :-)
> BTW, I guess these base distroes can only be maintained by the buildservice
> staff?  Would it be possible to have these community maintained in the
> future?
> Just a suggestion :>

I do not see a near solution to get them maintained by non-root account people
on the storage system (which is currently limited to very few people (less
than 5)).

However, that does not mean that the community does not have influence in how
to configure it. We can do a poll of wanted targets for example.

The sysadmin is only the poor executor in the end ...



Adrian Schroeter
SUSE Linux Products GmbH,  Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
email: adrian@suse.de

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