Am Mittwoch, dem 08.03.2023 um 11:29 +0100 schrieb Florian Pose:
I guess there must be another repository to include in my OBS project, then?
I guess this is a general problem for packages that are concerned by the SLE-Update repository included in 15.4 distributions. What could be a solution for this issue? I guess it must be just another repository that we have to add to our build service project. But which one? -- Viele Grüße, Florian Pose Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Florian Pose fp@igh.de Tel.: +49 201 / 36014-13 Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH Gesellschaft für Ingenieurleistungen mbH Nordsternstraße 66 D-45329 Essen Amtsgericht Essen HRB 11500 USt-Id.-Nr.: DE 174 626 722 Geschäftsführung: - Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Rotthäuser - Dr. Sven Beermann, Prokurist Tel.: +49 201 / 360-14-0 http://www.igh.de GnuPG key: CCA047CC 2007-12-18 [expires: 2027-03-03] Fingerprint: 0081 4005 FE9F 73FF 4BDA A409 0011 4E20 CCA0 47CC