>>> Reply on 15-11-2006 13:34:58 <<<> hi,
> i would be in favor of fixing the thebuildservice so noarch is only
> build once. than you can just create a new package inside the normal
> game project and have the package build only once.
> another way to ensure your package is build only once:
> disable the package for the x86_64 architecture.
> then it will be build on i586 only aswell.
> i dont think we need 2 projects here.
It's not only to build it 'once' per Repository (anyhow the file will be overwritten as it's noarch, it's just a waste of CPU power) but also the files stored on the disc only once, even while offering the game on severeal repos (10.0, 10.1, Factory, SLED).
Otherwise I have the need to put the Data RPM (which is 160MB) in ALL the repos... and I'm just filling the server with almost 1GB like this. I don't thik THAT would be much appreciated.