Indeed, /lib/modules directory does not exist in image-root during execution of config.sh script. Strange. <...>
Take into account that lots of stuff moved from /lib to /usr/lib. Normally there should be a compat link: "/lib -> usr/lib". The link is created by the "filesystem" package
depmod $(basename /lib/modules/*)
Indeed, in my logs I found a hint that "modules.dep is missing. Did you run depmod?" after error:
Calling depmod as part of an image build should never be required. If it is required it is usually a workaround for a packaging issue elsewhere.
[ 432s] dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --verbose --no-hostonly --no-hostonly-cmdline --install /.profile --add " kiwi-live pollcdrom " --omit " multipath " Lietukas_T_mini.x86_64-2024.initrd 6.7.4-1-default [ 432s] dracut[W]: /lib/modules/6.7.4-1-default//modules.dep is missing. Did you run depmod?
After downloading kernel-default RPM package manually, I found all /lib/modules moved into /usr/lib/modules
OBS has no influence here, better discuss it on factory.
And the same applies to kiwi
I suppose either some rpm script or some migration hack of kiwi did this.
There are no hacks in kiwi that moves anything between /lib and /usr/lib It would be very bad if we do this. Of course an image description can contain anything in its custom script code. I would first check if the image root tree has the compat link Next I would check custom code added by the author(s) of the image description if it could have an impact in this case Regards, Marcus -- Public Key available via: https://keybase.io/marcus_schaefer/key.asc keybase search marcus_schaefer ------------------------------------------------------- Marcus Schäfer Brunnenweg 18 Tel: +49 7562 905437 D-88260 Argenbühl Germany -------------------------------------------------------