Hi Am 16.05.23 um 13:27 schrieb Michael Pujos:
I want to submit package A from my home project to devel project P. package A depends on package B that is only found in devel project Q. In my home project, B was simply a link to Q, allowing A to build. How does it work when submitting A to P, for A to find B when built in P ?
Make sure that B is submitted from Q to Factory. A will only be built in P as soon as B is in Tumbleweed. Wait until then before you submit A to P. But if you have control over A in P or can convince the maintainer, submit it at the same time to Factory (even though it does not build in P) and tell dimstar to put it into the same staging project as B. If the latter does not happen, the staging of A will just be unresolvable and sit there until B is accepted in its own staging. Or, if you have full control over Q: Add P to the repository paths of Q/meta - Ben