Am Mittwoch, dem 08.03.2023 um 12:30 +0100 schrieb Andreas Schwab:
On Mär 08 2023, Florian Pose wrote:
Am Dienstag, dem 07.03.2023 um 15:46 +0100 schrieb Andreas Schwab:
You should build *only* against openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Update/standard. That should always give you the lastest updates for 15.4.
thanks for the quick response. I tried building against openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Update/standard only.
You still have openSUSE:Leap:15.4/standard in the repository path. It must not be in the last position if you want to get all updates. Only the last entry in the repository path will be expanded recursively.
Sorry, I tried in my personal repository: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:florianpose:branches:science:Et... But i also configured the official project now, same behaviour: https://build.opensuse.org/repositories/science:EtherLab -- Danke und viele Grüße, Florian Pose ---------------------------------------------------------------- Florian Pose Meilerweg 35 D-47533 Kleve Telefon: +49 2821 975334 Mobil: +49 179 7001363 E-Mail: florian@pose.nrw GnuPG-Schlüssel: https://pose.nrw/florian.asc Fingerabdruck: A652 E009 D3FA C91D 566F 99D6 4D20 1D59 EBDA AF9D ----------------------------------------------------------------