Luciano Santos changed bug 1204869
What Removed Added
Component Network KDE Workspace (Plasma)

Comment # 10 on bug 1204869 from
I'm sorry if I digressed. Focusing on the bug title and what has been said

> 1. I installed CISCO AnyConnect VPN (openconnect) plugin for Network Manager
> 2. Added the Gateway, Reported OS (Windows), enable Token Authentication
> (HOTP - Ask for this password every time)
> 3. Save - at this step I am asked for the root password because in the
> General Configuration tab the All user may connect to this network is enable
> by default. I type the root password and save the profile
> 4. Connect to the new profile - I am asked for the root password the
> credentials window appear and when I click connect, the window disappear
> (crash).
> I should not be asked for the root password since the connection should NOT
> be available for all users (this was the case before the update that
> happened about 1 week ago)

> Tried adding a L2TP VPN connection also.
> If I manually disable All user may connect to this network (in General
> configuration tab), the connection can be save and it is successful.

> It seems that whatever connection I try to add it has the All user may
> connect to this network is enabled by default.

So the "All user may connect to this network" option used to not be selected
before, and authentication wasn't required. Now, after some update, about a
week before you filed this bug for some reason (around 2022-11-23, give or
take), this option is selected by default and authentication is required.

In my humble opinion, behavior-wise when the option is selected or not, that's
not a bug. Regarding the change of defaults (before, the option was OFF, and
now it's ON) I'll let the KDE folks to sort it out.

(In reply to Cosmin Tanczel from comment #9)
> I thought...still do... that Network refers to the networking stack. Is this
> not the case?

Basically yes. But it has more to do with which component the offending package
falls under. Now, I get the picture of the issue being reported. I wasn't
trying to be a pain in the neck for you. Changing the component back to KDE!

> This behavior seems to be the same for all plugins that requires 2FA (is NM
> using gnome-keyrings libraries??)

No, NM doesn't use gnome-keyrings libraries. It uses PolicyKit instead [1].

> I cannot provide debugging logs for NM only next week (traveling), but I
> thing the ones that I already sent are enough. If still needed, please let
> me know.

Let's hold that back for now as it might not be relevant to this bug
specifically, unless you want to address those crashes too. If so, you better
file a new bug then. I say this because one issue (the "All user may connect to
this network" option) might not be related to the other (that culminates with
the crashes when trying to connect to the VPN). Has the VPN connection stopped
working at the same time when the "All user may..." option defaulted to ON? If
so, it might really be helpful then.

And, again, I'm sorry for the digressions and confusion I may have caused you.


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