Comment # 11 on bug 1166242 from
BTW... something that may be important.

Note the time of the file:

2020-03-14 11:53:41 vmlinuz-5.5.9-3.ge9e359d-default

On 14.March I did 'zypper up' and rebooted - no issues with 5.5.9 (except the
UEFI key management dialog which I ignored as usual). That evening I did not
shut down the machine. There were reboots during that day and the next one but
no shutdown with power off. So I continued to work on 15.March too and shut
down the system on 16.Mar (about 00:01). So this was the first time the machine
was powered off after installing 5.5.9-3.ge9e359d. Then on the next morning the
big problem appeared: 3 beeps etc.

I am mentiong this because there is a difference between reboot and power off
and the kernel firmware may do different things.

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