Comment # 11 on bug 1204869 from
>So the "All user may connect to this network" option used to not be selected >before, and authentication wasn't required. Now, after some update, about a week >before you filed this bug for some reason (around 2022-11-23, give or take), this >option is selected by default and authentication is required.
>In my humble opinion, behavior-wise when the option is selected or not, that's >not a bug. Regarding the change of defaults (before, the option was OFF, and now >it's ON) I'll let the KDE folks to sort it out.

Well... not sure how to name it, but for sure it's not ok to have it enable by
default, because it obliges the normal user to always uncheck this option
before creating a new VPN connection. Otherwise he needs to enter the root
password that he might not know. But this is just my humble opinion 

>Has the VPN connection stopped working at the same time when the "All user >may..." option defaulted to ON? If so, it might really be helpful then.

Yes, the VPN stopped working the same time this was added.

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