Comment # 10 on bug 1059075 from
On aarch64 this overwrites the saved frame pointer (register x29).

   0x0000000000403ad8 <+1008>:  ldr     x0, [x29, #144]
   0x0000000000403adc <+1012>:  mov     x22, sp
   0x0000000000403ae0 <+1016>:  add     x0, x0, #0xf
   0x0000000000403ae4 <+1020>:  and     x0, x0, #0xfffffffffffffff0
   0x0000000000403ae8 <+1024>:  cmp     x0, #0x1, lsl #12
   0x0000000000403aec <+1028>:    0x403b04 <save_cache+1052>  // b.lo,
b.ul, b.last
   0x0000000000403af0 <+1032>:  sub     sp, sp, #0x1, lsl #12
   0x0000000000403af4 <+1036>:  sub     x0, x0, #0x1, lsl #12
   0x0000000000403af8 <+1040>:  cmp     x0, #0x1, lsl #12
   0x0000000000403afc <+1044>:  str     xzr, [sp]
   0x0000000000403b00 <+1048>:  b.cs    0x403af0 <save_cache+1032>  // b.hs,
   0x0000000000403b04 <+1052>:  sub     sp, sp, x0
   0x0000000000403b08 <+1056>:  ldr     x23, [x29, #144]
   0x0000000000403b0c <+1060>:  mov     w1, #0x0                        // #0
   0x0000000000403b10 <+1064>:  mov     x0, sp
   0x0000000000403b14 <+1068>:  mov     x2, x23
=> 0x0000000000403b18 <+1072>:  str     xzr, [sp]

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