Stefan Hundhammer changed bug 1204332
What Removed Added
Resolution --- INVALID

Comment # 3 on bug 1204332 from
When I try to access those y2logs, I get

  "The attachment you are attempting to access has been removed."

But I bet when you enter this command:

  grep -i recommend /etc/sysconfig/yast2

you'll get



That means you are installing packages without recommended ones, which is what
that akregator-lang package is: The akregator main package can live perfectly
well without its -lang package, but then you won't get any translations.

This is why there is a difference between hard "required" packages and less
stringent "recommended" ones. Some users prefer it like that to save disk space
and have less packages for system complexity and (possibly) more system
security (because of less system components).

This is a setting that you can change in the YaST package manager in the
"Dependencies" menu at "[x] Install Recommended Packages" (or manually in

I tried on my Leap 15.4 (where I also don't have "akregator" installed): With
recommended packages, when I select "akregator", it automatically selects
"akregator-lang"; without recommended, it doesn't.

Please check that setting and reopen if that wasn't your problem.

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