Comment # 2 on bug 1068197 from
Hi Thorsten,

Here it is:
mount | grep .snapshots
/dev/sda6 on / type btrfs
/dev/sda6 on /.snapshots type btrfs

I can accept snapshot #1 is the current one, although snapper list shows:
Type   | # | Pre # | Date                          | User | Cleanup |
Description           | Userdata
single | 0 |       |                               | root |         | current  
single | 1 |       | Fri 19 Aug 2016 15:47:59 CEST | root |         | first
root filesystem |       

However, there is a snapshot 24 which is not supposed to be there taking 12G
du -sh /.snapshots/*
11G     /.snapshots/1
12G     /.snapshots/24

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