Comment # 8 on bug 1179155 from
I have submitted a change to llvm7 to Conflict with clang-tools.  I fear we
cannot simply update SP2 llvm9 from Factory since that now has clang-tools but
does not build them (as it comes from newer llvm there) but we still need it to
build Mesa-drivers in SP2 (in SP2 llvm9 is the newest llvm and clang9-devel
requires clang-tools).  Note for SP4 we'll have the issue that we have
clang-tools from multiple packages but clang-tools isn't versioned :/  The
Factory/leap way would be to have separate sources for each llvm version in
each product.  Meh.

IMHO it should be clang-tools%{_sonum} providing clang-tools = %{version}
and the Recommends/Requires from clang/clang-devel should be
to clang-tools >= %{version}.  For the OBS solver that might be ambiguous
but GCC solves this with Prefer: in the prjconfs.  At least this avoids
needing to touch packages again and again.

Aaron, would you be opposed to such a change in the Factory packages?
(I'd switch building of individual clang-tools%{_sonum} back on so SLE
could 1:1 use the Factory packages which seems to be a requirement here)

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