Comment # 10 on bug 1094787 from
> The 'distupgrade repo #N' jobs YAST is scheduling after a while (similar to
> zypper dup --from). However I cant tell whether the repos you restrict the
> upgrade to are reasonable. The loglines telling the repos name are missing.
I only disabled devel:languages:erlang before the upgrade as advised by the
upgrade guide.

> I also see a few explicit erase jobs (PackageKit, gnonme and python3 stuff)
> YAST scheduled, but as the log is inclomplete, I dont' know if these are the
> only ones, or if there is more that explains the deletion on nginx.
The locks are for PackageKit, PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin,
gnome-online-accounts and python3-gobject because those would pull in
dependencies I don't want on a headless server, I don't think any of those
relate to nginx.

You're saying the log is incomplete, what's missing from it?

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