Comment # 6 on bug 804607 from
To install this theme, copy the old opensuse 12.2 theme from 
/usr/share/plymouth/themes/openSUSE  to e.g.
/usr/share/plymouth/themes/openSUSE12 and modifiy the script-file according. 
To install the theme, initrd has to be rebuild (switch -R) and the bootloader
to be refreshed:

'plymouth-set-default-theme -R openSUSE12'
'yast2 bootloader'

The 12.2 theme just mirrors the displays, which is better usable for laptops on
docking staions with an additional monitor. 
Or the 13.2 script should be redesigned to put the password window at the top
of the screen, not at the bottom as it is. But this is out of my knowledge.

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