Comment # 1 on bug 1160446 from
This is due the that a
mr is created if the target project does not accept submit requests.

This is called instead:

create_maintenance_request(apiurl, src_project, [src_package], tproject,
dst_project, src_update, message)

No rev is given to the function.

But the action type for a maintenance incident can handle the src_rev:

maintenance_incident': ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'tgt_project',
'tgt_package', 'tgt_releaseproject', 'person_name', 'opt_sourceupdate',
opt_makeoriginolder', 'acceptinfo_rev', 'acceptinfo_srcmd5',
'acceptinfo_xsrcmd5', 'acceptinfo_osrcmd5', acceptinfo_oxsrcmd5')

I created a PR to include the rev. PR as patch attached

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