Comment # 2 on bug 1122723 from
/C: is only Windows 7, no data at all. All user temp data, Win and Suse, point
to /C:/Tmp.
All userdata, Win and Suse, point to /D:, no exception and not things all over
the place.

10.5GiB of 24.6GiB free on /C:, 35.6GiB of 403.8GiB free on /D:, same values in
Opensuse and in Windows.

The machine is a HP Pavilion with an Intel Duo 3750 at 2.0GHz, 4GiB memory and
490GiB HD. There are two DELL PCs with Intel 4-cores at 3GHz that have the same
dual system installed as this laptop, but I risk not playing around on them as
they are directly running a few client's microprocessor systems. I don't
remember whether I ran into this on those ever before.

Ad 2) from my first comment:
I played around a bit here and tried to find a possible causal connection, but
so far no indication.
If in / I run Properties for /C: I get the right device usage but with size of
6B and 0 files. However, sometimes in the same session nothing at all is
indicated there for size and when I then click Calculate, I get a size
indication of 128TiB (I wish) and a few million files.   

If in / I run Properties on /D: I sometimes get the device usage figures from
/C: (10.5 and 24.6); when I then open /D:, it only shows me two or three text
files. If Properties starts with calculating, it gives me the real device
usage, and opening /D: then indeed gives me also the real content. 

With all this, there is no difference whether this is done in the left or the
right window of Dolphin. 

linux-22l1:~ # KDE_FORK_SLAVES=1 QT_LOGGING_RULES=*.debug=true kioclient5 ls
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
qt.qpa.screen: Output VGA-0 is not connected
qt.qpa.screen: Output HDMI-0 is not connected
qt.qpa.screen: adding QXcbScreen(0x5633df774ee0, name="LVDS",
geometry=1366x768+0+0, availableGeometry=1366x768+0+0, devicePixelRatio=1.0,
logicalDpi=QPair(96.1,96.1), physicalSize=361.0x203.0mm, screenNumber=0,
virtualSize=1366x768 (1366.0x768.0mm),
orientation=Qt::ScreenOrientation(LandscapeOrientation), depth=24,
refreshRate=59.0, root=5cf, windowManagerName="KWin") (Primary: true )
qt.qpa.screen: primary output is "LVDS"
qt.qpa.input.devices: XInput version 2.2 is available and Qt supports 2.2 or
qt.qpa.input.devices: input device  Virtual core XTEST pointer ID 4
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has 10 buttons
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel X" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Y" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    it's a scrolling device
qt.qpa.input.devices: input device  Logitech USB Receiver ID 10
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has 20 buttons
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel X" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Y" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Horiz Scroll" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Vert Scroll" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    it's a scrolling device
qt.qpa.input.devices: input device  Logitech USB Receiver ID 11
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has 7 buttons
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel X" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Y" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Horiz Scroll" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Vert Scroll" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    it's a scrolling device
qt.qpa.input.devices: input device  SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad ID 14
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has 7 buttons
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel X" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Y" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Horiz Scroll" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    has valuator "Rel Vert Scroll" recognized? true
qt.qpa.input.devices:    it's a scrolling device Choosing xcb gl-integration based on following priority
 ("xcb_glx", "xcb_egl") Xcb GLX gl-integration created Xcb GLX gl-integration successfully initialized
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
trying to load "/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/kf5/kio/" from
linux-22l1:~ #

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