Reinhard Mutz changed bug 1221803
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Comment # 2 on bug 1221803 from Reinhard Mutz
I suffered from the same bug and at least I found a workaround.
First to say I installed a new fresh version of tumblewee, dated 2024-03-24, on
my laptop and it work perfect.
My working machine has an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU  and 16 GB of RAM. I
use TW from the very beginning and I am happy with that.
After an update in the last days of February plasma coulnd be started.
I did a lot of work and ended up with a workaround. I fount that my current
installed plama uses a direct in /home/user/...
but the new intalled plasma uses a directory /usr/local/share/plasma/....
My workaround: scp -p -r /usr/share/plasma $HOME/.local/share/
After a relogin it worked and showed my saved sessions as it did before.

more details:
I started plasma "strace plasmashell" > plasmash.log 2>&1". You can see all
commands before the crash
"tail -50 plasmash.log".
The log tells You that the directories  /usr/share/plasma $HOME/.local/share/
are in some way mismatched.

proposal for solution:
the maintainers of plasma may please decide which directory to use and give
hints for any updates.
I did not expect such a behaviour because I used KDE3 and saw all updates up to
version KDE5 worked correctly.
From my point of view (experience) I would never expect such an error but
nobody is perfect.

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